Heaven… Decadence every morning is new – Mawazanat – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Sky News Arabic, and that is unfortunately its name, claims to belong to a great nation and devours the flesh of this nation without shame or modesty.

After the Sudanese revolted against him and accused him of lying, deceiving and falsifying facts when he claimed the presence of ISIS extremists in Sudan, citing a film shot in Somalia… After This incident, another article was followed on the same channel, covering student protests around the world and student solidarity in universities with the population of Gaza…

This channel was inclined towards American stories, especially the American presidency, and Israeli stories, which try to convince these protesters that they are loyal to Iran or other parties who pay money for these activities …

All the channels I followed were not trying to gut these positions or turn them in favor of any party other than support for the people of Gaza, with the exception of the Sky News channel, in which the introduction of the bulletin was marketing for the guest and directing him, under the direction of the producer, towards a goal, which is that these protesters are not organizing sit-ins for the good of Palestine or in support of the Palestinian people. There is no pressure to stop the genocidal war in the country. Palestinian territories, but they are pushed there by the money spent by Iran!!!

Every day, the Sudanese government, UN organizations, international and local journalists and civil society organizations talk about the massive violations committed by the rebel forces, the rapid support militia, and this channel does not pay attention to it and completely ignores them as if they weren't…

Yesterday, after the uproar that took place in the Janjaweed press rooms in recent days, with what they called the army's bombing of sites in North Kordofan state and the killing of a certain number of citizens, something that we cannot rule out happened exactly as they did. a video of people eating before and blamed the incident on the military. Yesterday, this channel covered this news as the only news about Sudan, despite its tireless coverage. What is happening is the murder of citizens without any guilt by the Janjaweed thugs, and. response of the armed forces to the marches launched by the Janjaweed towards the security forces in the Al-Shawak area, in the state of Gedaref, in the east of the country.

A channel and media tool with such morals does not deserve an Arab citizen to open its page or watch the absurdities and contempt for minds it displays.

A chain of hatred of such magnitude towards all Arabs and all Arab countries does not deserve that a country allows to operate on its territory, to spread poisons and to violate all the professional rules of an Arab country and to insult other Arab countries from any Arab capital. ..

The one who wants to listen to nonsense and fill his mind with misleading and false information and go from being a supporter of all Arab issues to being an enemy of the Arabs and loyal to the American West and to Israel and its affiliates in the region, which he uses Sky. News Arabia as a platform from which it can receive information and news…

God was helping everyone

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