Hello Zul – a complete miscellaneous section for today, September 12, 2024


1. The impact of digital culture on local identity

In light of digital globalization, cultural identities have become heavily influenced by internet content and social media, raising questions about the protection of local heritage.

2. Islamic art: its past and present

A review of the history of Islamic art and its continuing influence on contemporary arts around the world.

3. The Arabic language in the digital age

With the increase in digital content, how does the Arabic language face the challenges posed by modern technology and foreign languages?

4. The role of literature in the formation of social consciousness

How does Arabic literature contribute to strengthening societal values, and what is the role of novels and poetry in solving contemporary problems?

5. Cinema as a mirror of Arab society

Analysis of contemporary Arab films highlighting current social and political issues.


1. The benefits of daily exercise for body and mind

Exercising has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on mental health.

2. Good nutrition to strengthen the immune system

The best foods that boost the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

3. Effects of chronic stress on health

How does constant stress affect the body and mind, and what are the best ways to cope with it?

4. Sleep and its importance for heart health

Lack of sleep is linked to many health problems, including a higher risk of heart disease.

5. Benefits of meditation and psychological relaxation

Meditation strategies that can help reduce stress and improve focus.


1. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

How artificial intelligence is reshaping various industries and impacting the future of work.

2. Cloud computing and the future of data storage

How does cloud computing enable data to be stored more securely and efficiently?

3. The impact of robots in healthcare

How robots are being used to improve medical services and reduce human error.

4. Virtual reality and education of the future

Virtual reality applications enhance the learning experience and make it more interactive and realistic.

5. Smartphone technology and social influence

How have smartphones changed the way we communicate and socialize?

Personal development:

1. The importance of setting personal goals

How can setting clear goals help improve personal and professional performance?

2. Work-life balance

Effective strategies for achieving work-life balance to avoid stress and burnout.

3. Positive thinking and its role in success

How does positive thinking affect decision making and the ability to cope with challenges?

4. Manage your time effectively to achieve things

Effective ways to improve time management skills and increase daily productivity.

5. Continuing education: the key to future success

The importance of constantly acquiring new skills in times of rapid change.


1. Arab women in entrepreneurship

Women's successes in business and how to overcome the challenges.

2. Women's mental health: challenges and pressures of modern life

How daily stress affects women's mental health and the best ways to cope.

3. Women in contemporary Arabic literature

An analysis of the representation of women in contemporary novels and stories, and how these works reflect their changing role in society.

4. Women and remote work: opportunities and challenges

How remote work has opened new doors for women to balance their work and personal lives.

5. Women in technology and innovation

The influence of women on the development of modern technology and innovations, and how they challenge stereotypes.

the kitchen:

1. Meat recipe: Grilled meat skewers with spices

Ingredients: minced meat, chopped onions, parsley, various spices (coriander, cumin, cinnamon), salt and pepper.

Method of preparation: Mix the meat with the ingredients and form skewers, then grill on charcoal or in the oven.

2. Vegetarian recipe: Chickpea and avocado salad

Ingredients: boiled chickpeas, avocado puree, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic puree, salt and pepper.

Preparation method: Mix all ingredients well and serve as a salad or dip.

Tips for losing weight:

1. Eat small, frequent meals

Dividing meals into smaller meals helps reduce hunger and prevent overeating.

2. Increase protein intake

Protein improves feelings of fullness and helps build muscle, which improves metabolic rate.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water before meals helps reduce calorie intake and improve metabolism.

4. Avoid packaged and processed foods

These foods are often…

It contains a lot of calories and unhealthy fats.

5. Daily physical activity

Exercising regularly helps burn calories and improves overall fitness.

Society and Art News (International):

1. Saudi Drama: A Qualitative Change in Artistic Production for the Year 2024

How is the Saudi drama industry growing and achieving new successes locally and internationally?

2. Cultural events in Saudi Arabia that celebrate heritage and the arts

The most significant cultural events combining art and heritage in the Kingdom, and their role in strengthening national identity.

3. A strong presence of Arab cinema in international festivals

How do Arab films contribute to representing societal issues and attracting international attention?

4. The growing influence of social media on young people's lives

The role of social media platforms in shaping young people's cultural and social attitudes and values.

5. Saudi Women in Filmmaking

Success stories of Saudi female directors and how they helped change the image of women in Saudi cinema.

6. Young Saudi Artists: New Talents Light Up the Art Scene

The emergence of a new generation of Saudi artists in the fields of theater and singing, and how they contribute to the development of the artistic scene.

7. Ramadan Series: How does the drama reflect the issues of contemporary society?

An analysis of the Ramadan series for the year 2024 and the social and political issues they discuss.

8. Saudi Theatre: Reviving Theatrical Heritage with Modern Touches

How does Saudi theatre contribute to reviving cultural heritage while presenting innovative artistic performances?

9. Photography: A new generation of creatives is redefining the visual arts

The emergence of Saudi photographers who are innovating new methods for photographing landscapes and everyday life.

10. Riyadh World Music Festival: Connecting Cultures Through Art

Review of a major music festival that brings together international and local artists to promote cultural exchange.

11. Indian cinema will grab global attention in 2024

Bollywood films are enjoying huge success at international film festivals and continue to attract new audiences.

12. A new wave of digital art dominates global art galleries

With the increasing use of technology in art, international galleries are seeing a growing interest in digital art and interactive experiences.

13. “Sustainable” fashion is taking over the international fashion world

Designers are moving towards using sustainable materials in the fashion industry in light of growing consumer awareness about the environment.

14. The return of classic bands: reviving old musical styles

Classical bands revive old styles with contemporary touches, attracting the interest of a wide audience.

15. Contemporary art in Africa: a growing global influence

African artists are gaining international recognition through their performances that explore social and cultural issues in innovative ways.

Personality of the day

The character I am going to introduce to you is “Jamal Al-Ghitani“, a famous Egyptian writer. He was born on May 9, 1945 and died on October 18, 2015. Al-Ghitani is considered one of the most prominent novelists and historians of contemporary Arabic literature.

His works:

Among his most famous novels are “The Time of Errors” and “Al-Zeini Barakat.”

He founded the journal “Literature and Criticism,” which was a platform for modern literature in the Arab world.

His literary style:

It is distinguished by its realistic narrative style that reflects social and political changes in Egypt.

He uses history as raw material for his novels, mixing historical narratives and personal experiences.

His legacy:

Al-Ghitani is known for his ability to describe Egyptian reality in different contexts and to make his literature a mirror of a society in which historical and lived experiences overlap.

We will come back

🖋️ Prepared by /Mr. Yasser Kamal

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