High cost and high price – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud

*A painful lesson, a very high cost and a heavy price paid by the Sudanese people as a result of the war that broke out on April 15, 2024, and to this day, not an inch of the body of A Sudan that does not remain contains neither martyr, nor wounded, nor displaced person, nor others whom the war has transformed into beggars after having lived in peace and comfort… He ordered them until the interior of the earth became better than its surface for many Sudanese, and some of us wished for death out of respect for the life that war conditions imposed on them. The war brought out the worst in the Sudanese people, to the extent that Sudan, as a geographical area, was transformed. a jungle that respects the law of the jungle. Survival is for the fittest, so traders increased their greed and real estate prices rose by over 500%, speculators became active on the prices of life-saving drugs. , and burying the dead has become a kind of luxury for the dead. There were those who were eaten by dogs and cats and others who were buried inside their houses and in squares until they were buried in cemeteries at the end of the war* .

* The entire Sudanese people fled from the lips of a smile and turned into moans and sorrow, and the laughter of our children turned into tears, moaning and groaning after the men began to share the tears, the wailing and wailing of widows. and reassuring houses turned into walls full of problems and disagreements between families. Quarrels and hatred spread, and souls became close, just as houses became close to their inhabitants. In reality, leaving homes rudderless and directionless is inevitable. without a specific destination the morning became a common denominator among most of those who were displaced by the war and plunged into the era of forced displacement, the period of which extended to exceed sixteen months, and it did not There was no sign of the movement stopping. war in Sudan on the horizon*.

* Despite these tragedies and pain, the Sudanese are still blinded and still hate each other. Hate speech continues to multiply, and the theory that he who is not with me is against me still dominates minds. have reached the highest level and express their discontent and lack of acceptance of the other, even at a time when the ill-fated war and the reluctance to stop the war remain the headlines, and there is no indication of the possibility of raising the voice of tolerance or transcendence over wounds. The war will claim even more victims and take more souls after Al-Ahadi stops singing the song (So that the eyes of our children will not tire of defeat). The eyes of our children are the result of the madness of our elders, and they still practice the same deadly madness*.

* Most Sudanese families were separated and meetings between them were no longer possible. They were divided between seeking refuge in neighboring countries and being displaced within Sudan. Hearing the voice of a friend or neighbor has become a celebration, a celebration, and a day. festive. The Sudanese people will remain at the war station for a long time, because their souls are still filled with hatred, ugliness and lack of acceptance of others, and the Sudanese people are still at a standstill at the blood station. , bloodshed, its politicians practice political indignation, fighting for the corpse of a homeland called Sudan. Even the activist Hamdok has become a politician, leading a group of agents and traitors who want to dance on the corpse of the Sudanese government. The most powerful and violent weapons have been used in this battle, which is the weapon of tribalism and regionalism, and so far the Sudanese have not learned lessons from the experience of war* .

Half a fork

*This war will end, even if it lasts seven to ten years, and Sudan will not return to its previous behavior until there is a willingness to talk about stopping the war in Sudan.*

A quarter of a fork

*(The tears are hot and the dead man is a dog)*.

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