His dialogue put points above the letters: Ibrahim Mahmoud: The future belongs to us,,, We trust Egypt,,, This is the mentality that managed the period after the end of the rescue.. ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++Our armed forces have taken serious steps to eliminate the Janjaweed militias who have tampered with the security of the country, conspired against the rights of the people and sought to hand over the country to foreigners, creating a state of chaos that facilitated the foreign influx who invaded the country. the country, east and west…

++ This war was not the result of a coincidence, but rather it was organized precisely and with careful planning. You will only be able to understand its dimensions and decipher it easily when you sit down with a man who has the power. great chance to follow and be aware of the course of affairs in the world and our regional environment, like Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, one of the greatest leaders of the National Congress who took the direction he has commanded and directed with wisdom and conduct. balance in difficult circumstances from the date of rescue…

++ I was looking forward to following his interesting, wonderful and graceful dialogue with ((Arabic Post Podcast)), documenting the most important events and exploring their depths with great success, inspiration and enlightenment. through its independent readership, its vast linguistic dictionary, its abundant information, its knowledge and sensitivity to the latest publications from international political, intellectual, economic and cultural libraries…

++ The point of this dialogue is that the engineer took a positive approach by focusing on the bright aspects and a realistic and contemplative reading of events and relating them objectively to the way things happened and their spell…

++ He responded to the mentality that prevailed at the scene after the rescue, summarizing it as one of looting and chaos. He said that during his arrest, a Chinese accused was brought in. He told her that the Empowerment Committee had done it. They arrested him on charges of owning a national conference apartment, and they asked him for five million dollars to release him, and when he refused, they released him. slandered with his wife in the guard next to them, which slandered him. forced him to pay two hundred thousand dollars to settle their affair…

++ A narration of how a Palestinian was arrested and they tried to negotiate with him by giving them his apartment and his car, and when he took refuge in the silo of rejection, they filed a report against him who ended up in prison…

++ To raise a legitimate question: How can a political party like the Baath Party betray its principles, values ​​and core idea of ​​defending, glorifying and winning Arabism while deceiving vulnerable Syrians and Palestinians in Sudan? ??!! !

++ Drawing a comparison between the Ba'ath and the slandered Bashir, who unreservedly supported the Palestinian cause and was the cause of all this Zionist antagonism and this blatant Western conspiracy against our country in general and against the rescue in particular, , he recalls the memory with great skill, telling the story of Anas Omar in a famous television interview with the leaders of the Ba'ath Party, and he tells them in bitter sarcasm: “You are supposed to accept the boots of President Al-Bashir, because after the fall of Saddam Hussein, he sent an ambassador to bring you out of your hiding places in women's night clothes))!!!

++ He spoke in depth about the reasons for this war imposed by foreign intelligence on Sudan as part of a scandalous plan to divide the country into five states. He therefore believes that the massive attack and successive raids on El Fasher aimed to separate Darfur. and declare El Fasher its capital….

++ The engineer insists and confirms his very great confidence in Egypt, which sheltered the Sudanese people, and believes that it can play a greater role in resolving the Sudanese problem, thanking it for its solid position with our armed forces, emphasizing the need to work towards the establishment of an integration project between Sudan and Egypt for the benefit of the people of the Nile Valley, which will pave the way for the launch of the popular project ((Sunni) ) in the presence of competing intellectual projects such as. Shiite, secular, Zionist and ecclesial projects…

++ Al-Bashmuhandis presents a recipe that guarantees the unity and cohesion of Sudan in establishing a decentralized government ((confederation)) on democratic foundations that preserves the right of the people of each state to enjoy a independent government on which they agree without blatant interference or tutelage from the center…

++ The engineer is certain that the armed forces of our people will prevail for the will of the nation, its values ​​and its religion, Islam. The future belongs to Islam and its people in light of the steady decline of the Western project. which has begun to collapse and will soon cease to exist, God willing…

++ The interview with leader Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid corrected the forgeries, lies and lies that accompanied the campaigns of arrogance ((God honors the listeners)) and which did not stop against the people of salvation, and he sought accuracy, clarity and honesty in every statement he made…

++ This dialogue represented a historic trial that convicted Qaht, denounced the Empowerment Committee, and acquitted Al-Bashir, particularly for the initial amount for which he was tried. We leave his story, which proves the integrity of Al-Bashir and exposes the corruption of. the criminal Abdul Rahim Dagalo. How did he take this sum, how did he collapse under the weight of the threat and how did he confirm that he would swear a false oath? The court is a witness against Al-Bashir whenever asked? bear witness!!!!

++ If there were serious international media institutions, they would take this dialogue as rich material to produce a series of rare and serious dialogues, articles and investigations…

++ We reiterate that this dialogue has opened a wide door to useful debate, offering a rich self-critique of the rescue experience. It is true that the man presented himself as a leader with clean hands, possessing a heart devoid of hatred and compassion. , and an honest language. From there came his declaration, free of all smoke and doubt…

++ Our army, ((Makna))…

++Be careful, Jinn…

++ Resistance, O ((Nashama))…

Omar Capo

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