Homeland between Venice and Geneva – Sharing is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all my compatriots who have been patient in the face of the fire of war that was ignited as part of a plan to destroy Sudan and annihilate its identity in order to plunder its wealth.

A war in which the tools of the rebel militia and its collaborators were used as shameless agents after their manufactured revolution that resulted in the framework agreement. When they failed to implement their plan through them, they unleashed the war they had threatened and promised to the Sudanese people.

The Qaht agents then fled and left the rebel militias to the holocaust of war, where it destroyed all their hard power and the mercenaries they had brought from the Arabs of the diaspora and Africa. As for the Qaht agents, they continued to enjoy staying in their homes. luxurious hotels and moving between countries to mobilize support to continue the war under cover. They are seekers and supporters of peace and stopping the war with their false slogan (No to war).

Today, after more than a year of war accompanied by flagrant and inhumane violations and practices against the Sudanese people, including rape, theft, destruction, murder and abuse, it is back to us in Geneva, which, if The proposed negotiations like those in Jeddah, Ethiopia and other negotiations will not be worth the value of the ink with which they are written, and it is a waste of time that we deserve more to resolve the rebellion and rebuild our country.

At any negotiating meeting, the negotiating delegation and those who have delegated it must take into account:

First: National sovereignty is a red line

Second: Full restitution of rights, without any loss

Third: there is no presence on the post-war scene of rebel militias and their shameless agents.

Fourth: Deterrent trials for anyone who has lit the flame of war

Fifth: Compel all countries that support and finance rebel militias whose involvement has been proven by irrefutable evidence to pay reconstruction compensation at the public and private levels.

Sixth: A message must be conveyed to all countries where Sudanese citizens have taken refuge due to the circumstances of the war that the treatment they will receive will be the same for all their citizens without any exception after the end of the war.

Seventh: No international institution or country will be allowed to interfere in national internal affairs in the future.

Eighth: International relations in the future will be in accordance with what serves the highest interests of Sudan.

This is the line of negotiation that is supposed to be, or continue in the language of Venice, until the last Janjaweed and Qahati rebel agents supporting the Fil-Stop point are eliminated. Until the so-called Geneva meeting occurs, the torment and torture of the impure Hemeti rebels and their shameless collaborators, agents and spies, will continue.

May God grant victory to our fighting forces in all regions of my country, and provide them with supplies from Him, and do not force us to go to Geneva or accept martyrs. Urgent recovery for the wounded. the missing to their families, safe and sound, O Lord of the worlds.

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