Honorable people make sacrifices for the homeland and customers rebel in the mire of its betrayal – the share is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a national salute to all the people of my country, inside and outside the country, to the honorable patriots who have led the battle for dignity with firmness and defiance against world imperialism, which has planned and implemented the program to destroy Sudan through his henchmen, the Janjaweed criminal militia, the embassy shoe agents and the impudent Felker, but they were disappointed and their plan failed, so that what they spent was scattered in vain.
The main reason for this failure was that they believed that the Janjaweed forces, with huge support and mercenary equipment, would prevail over the Sudanese army and announce the seizure of power after the President of the Sovereignty Council took the post of commander-in-chief. -Leader by an operation of treachery and betrayal by storming his residence.
But the presidential guards were the most important target to thwart the assassination plan, and the outpouring of honorable members of the Sudanese people in support of our people's armed forces and our regular services was the completion of the patriotic arsenal and the slogan of an army, a people, a declaration of action was made.
We are now about to complete the operations of cleaning and purifying the homeland from all the filth, tuberculosis and filth that afflicted it during the war unleashed after the failure of the Hamdok government and the imposition framework agreements and management. of the International Folklore Mission.
This war exposed the truth of the false slogans that the Qahtas kept shouting during their revolution made up of words, poems and slogans about freedom, democracy, peace and justice. They formed a war dichotomy with the Hemedti militia, which was theirs. famous saying which they denied, as they had previously denied much of what they had stated (either the setting or the war).
Despite the bitterness of its events and the horrific details of this war, one of its greatest benefits was to kindle the flame of jihad in defense of religion, land and honor, with a great rise in national sentiment among the Sudanese people. was the dam and practical response against the global evil plan.
Now, while the honorable and patriotic people of my country sacrifice precious and precious things, even souls and blood, with pure and pure blood in order to preserve and protect the land and honor, the agents continue to revolt in the mud of the betrayal of the homeland.
The Sudanese army, its regular forces and its population are ready to face any dirty scenarios that are planned abroad, whether it is a government in exile, protecting civilians, sending more mercenaries and weapons, or humanitarian disasters. and what's more, we have an effective antidote and a deadly exterminator, because you, shameless militiamen, and your masters are only insects that are trampled with boots, because the bullet is a loss In you.
They planned and plotted, and you cling to humanity, but we, the people of Sudan, cling to the Lord of humanity, and our homeland will be preserved by Him, God willing.
The supplication of the righteous in the mosques and of the oppressed who have been attacked by your war, whose flames you have kindled, are curses which will haunt you in this world and in the Hereafter, O shameless militia, and those who follow you, help you, support you and support you.
The signs of victory have appeared and our celebration of cleansing the earth is approaching. Tomorrow the Sudanese sun will rise, pure and clean from every traitorous rebel and treacherous agent of Qahati, as pure as a white garment of tuberculosis.
Tomorrow we will eliminate all traitorous agents and rebel Janjaweed militias, and we will devote ourselves to the battle of construction and reconstruction, to rebuild what the war has ravaged, with the same determination and strong determination that was formed during of the battle for dignity. (We are the builders of your land, my homeland).
Oh my God, grant us your victorious victory for the soldiers and people of Sudan. Accept the martyrs. Unbind the prisoners, return the missing safe and sound, O Lord of the worlds.