Hospice….. ✍️ Dr Essam Dakin

Dakiniyat (222)…

In our historical village, the village of Al-Hajjaj Sheikh Hamdan Sheikh Abdul Qadir Abu Al-Hasna, northwest of Sukkar Sennar It is a village located on the road connecting the town of Sennar and the town of Al- Manaqil. civilized, cultural, religious, educational, health and service center in an integrated manner. All these constructions were led by Sheikh Abdul Qader Sheikh Hamdan in the sixties of the last century, where Sheikh Abdul Qadir was a leader in the truest sense of the word. word, as my family told me. In the 1960s, Chief Ismail Al-Azhari received pilgrims in his village, and the establishment of a diwan or special hostess to receive them was called Al-Azhari Diwan. That was a saraya at that time, as my family says.

*The idea of ​​the hospice is an old idea in my family, which involves providing food throughout the day to passers-by, residents and students, where hot porridge is served with shrmut malah (beef ), all kinds of white meats and red loba melah and yogurt malah (original fermented cow's milk) with cold water from large tibar (large pottery buds). This still continues, because after the caliph Sheikh Abdul Qadir came the caliph Sheikh Hamdan, after him the caliph Sheikh Musa, after him the caliph Sheikh Yaqoub, then the caliph Sheikh Al-Toum, may God prolong his days. Caliph Sheikh Yaqoub was a friend and a brother, may God have mercy on him. Everyone misses him for his good company. Caliph Sheikh Al-Toum also treats me with special food whenever I visit him or in case of death. region, he sends me a plate of hot porridge made with salt, the traditional salt that I love. They have a lot of thanks from me, and even honor to the people…

* Sheikh Hamdan Hospice Sheikh Abdul Qadir played a major role in 1983 AD, the year of famine that hit Sudan, especially Western Greater Sudan, as people from all over the world came to this hospice , and Caliph Sheikh Hamdan, the brother of Sheikh Musa, and the family of the region rolled up their sleeves and opened the dumps to provide food to everyone throughout the day for those arriving and passing through the road from Sennar to Al-Manaqil, where many residents are located. there were over 12 buses a day carrying passengers, trucks and transporters, all of which were their gathering point and focal point, the pilgrim village, to eat, pray and take time to rest.

Arrivals from Western Sudan and various places came to this hospice which saved the needy and hungry from the abyss of hunger.

* The age of Sheikh Hamdan's hospice exceeded 100 years, and Sheikh Hamdan and his poor, stunned or supporters were soldiers with him when Imam Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahdi declared jihad against the colonialist, so Sheikh Hamdan had banners with the princess of Prince Muhammad Wad Nubawi. That's what my family told me…

*Today, the idea of ​​the hospice has returned to the Sudanese in Omdurman, the town of Karari, where lines of hungry people take two handfuls of beans or lentils, sometimes with bread and other times without bread, but most without bread, where food is placed from the time of dawn prayer for reservations and the number of people has increased very, very sharply, indicating that hunger has spread and that the state does not have a strategic reserve of grain, as half a kilo of corn reached seven thousand pounds, a piece of bread reached one hundred pounds, and in some regions two hundred pounds, a kilo of veal ten thousand pounds, and a twenty-five kilo bag of flour for 25 thousand pounds… etc.

* We badly need a reality check now that hunger, disease and fear have spread and the situation has stopped…etc.

* My family from the village of Al-Hajjaj, Sheikh Hamdan, conveys my greetings to the poor, to God, servant of the hospice, to the righteous servant Ibrahim Tekke, and to the poor brother Al-Shaqdi who bridges the divide when Ibrahim Tekke stumbles , and I pray for the victory of Sudan and the armed forces, and I am sure that they are among those who will answer the call. Today the hospice is occupied by the Janjaweed and all the villages northwest of Sukar Sinar, 114 villages..

My affection for you…

Dr Issam Dakin…

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