How can Sudan move on to the next day without any conflict! ? – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

It has become known, according to local and regional media sources, that the war in Sudan began with a military coup led by some of the political parties that make up the “Taqaddum” group (Civilian Forces Coordination Group) to lead the rapid support militia. The plan was to seize power with a quick, rapid strike to impose the framework agreement, then restructure the army and crush the Islamists. The representative of the Communist Party within the Alliance of Forces of Freedom and Change, the leader of the Sudanese Communist Party, Siddiq Farouk Al-Toum, declared, according to the information network “Sudan Now”: The battle against Islamists (Al-Kizan) reached the zero limit; Either we crush them or we prepare their guillotines. The military was able to foil the coup plan and the country turned to war.

All these speeches and statements related to the causes of the war, and the question of who fired the first shot, who created the atmosphere and the presentations that pushed the country towards war, and who made coup the only option when he talked about developing options. in the event that the approval of the framework is hindered by one of the political forces or the army, everything remains… This is the place of the law and the state courts, and there is no courtesy towards anyone. This time, people will stand up to hear and see who dragged them into this holocaust in which they lost dear lives, lost their security and savings, and violated their honor. No one will be flattered, there will be no “may God forgive the past” and the compromises that governments and political regimes have become accustomed to in order to close cases will not be allowed. But until then, it is necessary for the Coordination of Civil Forces (Taqaddam) to seek a new approach that brings it back inside, away from the bullying of opposing political forces, to reconcile with the Sudanese people. The present moment is the most appropriate to achieve this, because the Sudanese, at this stage, value their unity more than anything else. Later, the responsibility should fall on everyone.

Taqadum must understand that restoring trust among citizens requires staying away from scenarios of supporting or identifying with the militia, and not relying on regional or international interference in the internal affairs of the country, which could lead to new divisions. It must also move away from regional or international incubator scenarios for its secular political project. Nor should it wish to export certain Arab political experiences to the interior of Sudan or other experiences in the region, which are based on regional or international supervision over the country and a sharing of influence over political parties and entities. . Sudan is a completely different country from the reality of many countries that have been forced to interfere in their domestic politics and undermine their national sovereignty.

Now is the time to help all true patriots realize the importance of paying attention to country, and it is possible, but delay makes it difficult, if not impossible. Taqaddam must therefore reconsider his plans of exclusion and coup d'état by which he wants to control the fate of the country without an electoral mandate, now that this is a thing of the past. There is no revolutionary legitimacy after the war. We must forget the speech of Al-Rashid Saeed, the leader of the Association of Professionals, who declared in an interview with a French channel that the revolution in Sudan, unlike the countries of the Arab Spring, was against the Islamists, and that it meant rejecting the religious state in exchange for a secular state. This type of nihilistic and exclusionary discourse does not produce rational political practice, nor does it aim to achieve political stability or social renaissance.

On the other hand, the discourse of the Islamists seemed more in line with the values ​​and requirements of democracy, when Amin Hassan Omar, leader of the vast Islamic movement, declared in one of the talk shows: Their political project is not against anyone . , and no one has the right to confiscate their rights to political action under any banner or title whatsoever. He added that their support for Hamdok's government is not because of their love for him, but because they love their country and fear it will descend into chaos. This is why they support the transition period. Ibrahim Ghandour, leader of the National Congress, confirmed this in his first press release after the fall of their power, when he said: “We will be a united opposition for the sake of stability and we will wait for the elections after reconsidering our policy. calculations and review our experience. Islamists must therefore quickly evaluate their experience and develop new approaches between Sudan's internal political reality and the regional and international environment, based on the importance of breaking the cultural and political impasse of the Sudanese state. They also stressed that the Sudanese people are among the peoples among whom belonging to religious concepts and values ​​​​is deeply rooted.

Efforts must therefore be made in this direction, to ensure the return of security, stability and peace to our country, taking into account the advances of the army on all fronts of the struggle to regain control and restore security and peace.

We must know that Sudan is a country rich in diversity and that peace and stability strategies must be built on the basis of a comprehensive dialogue and a true partnership with all components of society. It is also important to focus on strengthening national sovereignty and building strong state institutions that reflect the will of the people and respond to their needs. To end the war and achieve lasting peace, all Sudanese political parties should adopt initiatives aimed at national reconciliation, providing a safe environment for all, while emphasizing the importance of human rights, social justice and the rule of law.

As a result, we can establish a secure and stable future for Sudan that transcends current crises and meets the aspirations of all Sudanese. Therefore, the face of truth remains: for the Sudanese parties to present themselves again to the Sudanese people, they must reconsider reconciliation with the Sudanese people and apologize to them for this war, and then agree among themselves to develop a national initiative aimed at ending the war. It is important to consider that the victory of the army is a step towards peace, while the victory of the militia widens the circle of war and conflict. It is also important to adopt the Jeddah Agreement because it represents the way out of the crisis and the main and only way to end the war through dialogue. Thus, Sudan can move on to the next day without zero conflict.

May you always be well.

Saturday 19/October/2024 AD.

(email protected)

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