How to overcome autumn diseases during war…! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

» I published this article on Tuesday July 25, 2023 AD, in the fall of last year, and so that the same scene does not happen again this fall, especially as we enter it with alarming numbers of malaria, dengue, chikungunya, and kala azar infections have not left the boring frequency lists in epidemiological surveillance reports, we thought they would be appropriately republished today. Hopefully someone is aware of these risks which can be easily controlled before they happen.

» Fall has remained a major challenge in past eras for all Sudanese states without exception, and the stormwater drainage program occupies the highest priority for the ministries of infrastructure, health, municipalities and citizens.

“During the autumn period, disease vectors multiply intensely due to the abundance and spread of their known breeding grounds. There is a doubling of the densities of mosquitoes of various types, flies and other insects. ..

» In order to reduce the spread of autumn diseases such as (fever, diarrhea, eye diseases, etc.), official and popular organizations previously play a known role in disease control and rainwater drainage operations, but during In the current war period, we do not expect the same effectiveness of the official role, and most of the burden falls solely on the popular role.

“Following the experiences of countries that have experienced conditions similar to those we are currently experiencing, the popular role has had effective preventive interventions in the fight against diseases and epidemics of the fall, especially in light of the closure many health institutions and the difficulty of accessing the sites of currently active health and medical services.

» Many media channels welcomed me to talk about the dangers of the fall season, in my capacity as president of the Sudan Health Promotion Association, and to prepare for the welcome, I conducted a review of all risk indicators associated with the fall season, coupled with my participation in the episodes of the program (Hello Doctor), prepared and presented by Dr. Sufyan Muhammad and my weak person, on the preparations required for the fall season fall for the last ten years, and I have reached the level. inevitable result of activating personal prevention methods and community participation in the fight against autumn diseases if we want to avoid the appearance of deadly epidemics due to unpreparedness for autumn this year.

“Citizens must ensure that they use mosquito nets sustainably and also use them for infants and young children during the day to prevent the arrival of flies and the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue fever, in addition to sandflies. which transmit kala azar, which has spread widely over the past year.

“Citizens should look for any potential breeding sites of mosquitoes and flies in or around homes and remove or treat them by all means available, and ensure that waste, especially organic waste, is properly treated, and use the karak or any appropriate means to excavate potential sites. fly breeding sites.

» Families should be sure to take precautions by obtaining at least one prescription for malaria medication and another for children if there are children, so that they are available should malaria symptoms develop , as well as for diarrhea, and be sure to replace children with diarrhea without delay, whether with infusion salts or by preparing a home solution. He should consult any doctor, pharmacist, health worker or medical assistant, even by telephone, and be careful to lower the temperature of people with malaria with compresses or painkiller if necessary. available until delivered to the nearest functioning health center.

» Authorities and voluntary health organizations should begin to disseminate the culture of first aid and train families to achieve the goal of first aid in every household, and familiarize them with methods of combating disease vectors and personal protection, by organizing rainwater drainage campaigns, by fighting diseases. vectors and the distribution of mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide, particularly in areas of great vulnerability.

#After_the_final |

In summary, the program to provide relief, prevention campaigns and treatment camps in war-affected areas for stranded people is now a top priority, especially as limited means of income have completely ceased and that the markets and shops from which they obtain their livelihoods have been looted and destroyed, and hospitals, health centers and pharmacies have been looted and destroyed. The places where they receive their care have been occupied, looted and closed, as well as their cars, which they use to treat their patients and bury their patients. dead, were looted. Ultimately, prevention is better than cure. My advice to everyone is to take the initiative, now, to ensure their protection and that of their families by organizing popular efforts to deal with the situation. dangers of autumn, may God make it an autumn of goodness and blessings, we ask God Almighty to hasten the end of this war and grant victory to our valiant army and security forces over these usurping invaders .

God is enough and yes, the agent

Oh God, do not impose on us because of our sins those who do not fear you and do not have pity on us, O most merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Tuesday May 21, 2024 AD

(email protected)

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