Human rights between international standards and dual application. A critical reading on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration ✍️ Hisham Mahmoud Suleiman
On the seventy-sixth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world celebrates a great human heritage that aims to preserve human dignity and promote justice and equality. However, this occasion calls us to reflect and critique the practical application of human rights around the world. the international context, particularly in light of the contradictions which have made these rights a tool for settling political scores and the weakness of peoples and countries.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Between ambition and reality:-
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born in 1948 to be a global document which lays the normative foundations for respect for the rights of individuals regardless of their cultural or geographical origin. Despite the ambition embodied by this document, its application remains dependent on political interests. of the great powers, which made it vulnerable to interpretation and use as a pressure tool. This expresses a double international standard. The contradiction in the international community's treatment of human rights is evident in several respects.
First of all . Politicization of human rights
In many cases, human rights are used as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of certain countries, while turning a blind eye to similar or more serious violations committed by countries allied to major powers.
secondly. Selectivity in the application of international law
For example, economic and political sanctions are imposed on countries under the pretext of human rights violations, while blatant violations committed against other peoples are ignored.
Third. The pretext of national sovereignty
On the other hand, there are countries that ignore human rights under the guise of national sovereignty, believing that they are immune from international criticism, which leads to justifying repression and abuse at home. inside their borders.
Human rights and sustainable development: –
Missing relationship:
While the Universal Declaration links human rights to the concepts of justice and equality, international contradictions in its application weaken efforts to achieve sustainable development. Developing countries suffering from economic and social pressures find themselves facing complex challenges due to justified sanctions or interventions. under the pretext of human rights, which increases the suffering of their people.
A vision of the future towards a new global charter: –
To overcome these challenges, there should be a joint international effort to redefine the practical human rights framework so that…
A. Strengthen transparency and credibility and establish independent international mechanisms to monitor human rights, far from the political influence of major powers.
B. Reform international organizations such as the United Nations and the Human Rights Council to ensure their independence and not be subject to political interests
C. The balance between sovereignty and international commitment
Respect national sovereignty while strengthening international responsibility to protect fundamental rights
The anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not just a symbolic celebration, but rather an opportunity to assess how far humanity has come in preserving human dignity. Until international justice is achieved in the area of human rights, these rights will remain present. many slogans used to hide the duality of positions instead of being a tool to achieve peace and development.