I won the auction, son of Naway, supporter of Al-Takaya – Rabwa and Dhifaf ✍🏼 A. Abdul Sattar Abbas Khalil

The best of people among the people is a man… whose hand responds to the needs of the people.

Don't refuse anyone the hand of kindness… as long as you are capable of it, happiness sometimes comes

And give thanks for the virtues of God's creation when He created… for you and not for the needs of people.

A people died and their good deeds died… and a people lived while they were dead among the people

▫️I start my article today with this introduction and these sentences that Al-Shafi'i said…

I am going to talk about a man I have not met and have no acquaintance with!!! But charities and humanitarian work require you to research, write and talk about these humanitarians without any introduction.

(He who does not thank people does not thank God)

A man dedicated his time and money to serve the people (to whom God belongs) who have nothing, and they lost everything after this war did what it did to them. They lost their shelter, their security, their family, and their neighbors. They even lost their livelihood, so they became preoccupied with providing what would satisfy their children's hunger, at a time when everything stopped, no work, no path forward to provide for those you support. means of life!!!

But God is compassionate towards His servants and He is able, so a man mocked a human being who loves good.

(Othman Naway) His hand responds to the needs of the people

It illuminated the sadness and darkness of these poor and needy residents of shelters and schools.

Man provides food and supervises a number of (takayas) with complete supervision and funding, seeking a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth. He extends his left hand so that his right hand is not known. do not fear poverty until the number of families he feeds exceeds a thousand families spread across the most needy and displaced areas And the most affected by this war!!!

You won the sale, Wad Naway.

What you do and the work you have done will continue to be remembered in history, and will continue to be remembered by every mother who has nurtured her child and brought him joy. All these families will continue to pray for good for you, and. their tongues are unable to thank you. For what you have provided, many sides have failed. You deserve to have a thousand articles written about you, and people like you should celebrate them and salute them with respect.

▫️ Finally, I am not going to break your back to reveal, detail and list what you propose, because these are things you talk about (Hospices)

The joy that appears on the faces after every meal is the best and most honest person to express it!!!

We ask God to grant you good health and well-being, to be an antidote to those in need, and to bless you in all your endeavors and efforts.

And salute to those unknown soldiers who stand behind the preparation of meals in the kitchens. They also won the sale, and what they do will remain in the balance of their good deeds.

May God help you to do good in a time when there are few good doers.

May you live long

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