Idris Muhammad Effendi – Whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*There is a relationship that united the parents of Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr and Idris Muhammad Effendi, a relationship that seems stronger than the bond of kinship and blood, and because of the strength of this relationship, the form of this relationship was not clear. until our consciousness was formed. I thought that Idris Effendi was my father's brother because of their proximity, and they were related by common points. My father, Muhammad Mahmoud, is alone. His parents and my uncle Idris are also his only relatives. so the relationship between them was stronger than friendship. From a young age, we called him my uncle Idris and he called us my brother's children. In fact, he is our uncle and we are his brother's children and his children are our cousins. called each other only by the word “cousin” out of respect for the relationship that united our fathers*.

*Therefore, my uncle Idris Effendi became a bridge connecting our families. We shared many of our problems, affairs and concerns with him, and we approached him on some family issues that were to calm the atmosphere. Uncle Idris is the custodian of our secrets, and more than half of our opinion is with him and with him. Praise be to my uncle Idris, for he gives us his time and his time, and he gives us his full attention. listens to us with his mind before his heart, and with his heart before his permission. Therefore, many barriers were broken between us, except for the barrier of respect and appreciation, which remained in place and firmly established as the relationship between my uncle Idris. Effendi and my father Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr. Beyond that, we see him celebrating us immensely and being very happy with our successes in… The journey of life and this relationship should be a model of successful friendships that can be studied as the content of social relationships*.

*We do not like Eid unless we start the morning at my uncle Idris's house, drink Eid tea with luqaimat at Hajja Nadia Bakhit's house and take our little cousin Khansa (Manno) with us throughout the Eid day in an open greeting program. Nadia Bakhit remains our mother who did not give birth to us, and this is how our journey of days has been. Over the years, our paths have separated and we have grown and our dreams have grown, but our family relationship with my uncle Idris' family. Effendi has remained one of the constants in our social life, and when we talk about my uncle Idris, nostalgia, nostalgia and tenderness must be the title of this day, and the place becomes softer and brighter when my uncle Idris records an elegant and spontaneous presence. .It can be said that my uncle Idris Effendi is a master of elegance. He is elegant in his behavior, his clothes and his general appearance, according to everyone's testimony, he can be a thermometer to measure the general appearance. he made an appointment with my uncle Idris during our last meeting at the funeral of the late Moatasem Abbas on Thursday 28/06/2024, on the condition that we meet again on Sunday 01/07/2024 to finalize some procedures, and we parted on the promise to meet, shook hands warmly and parted*.

*On Saturday night, 30/06/2024, the city of Sinja fell. The first person to call remotely to reassure me was my uncle Idris. I explained the situation to him, and I was at that time inside the headquarters of the 17th. Division in Sinja. I literally told him: “Let Moez out, and Moaz, his eldest son, is the president of the Nile University Students' Union and a leader of the student sector,” and he actually spoke with Moez who left Abu Hajar. Damazin, and he remained stationed in his house despite the sanitary conditions he was going through. When the Rapid Support Forces invaded the city of Abu Hajar, my uncle Idris decided to cross to the other bank of the Blue Nile, but he crossed to the Blue Nile. other bank and drowned. Yes, my uncle Idris Effendi is dead, leaving my father alone tossed by the winds of grief. For the loss of a faithful friend and a dear brother, my uncle Idris is dead, and I could not console him. father to him until this moment. My uncle Idris is dead, and we were not present for the funeral of his beautiful body. My uncle Idris died a drowned martyr. My uncle Idris is dead, and there are still dates, stories and unfinished stories. us.*

Half a fork

*My uncle Idris, you are our special sorrow, the family of Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr, and with your departure, the world has lost a man of magnificent character and morals. We saved you as an uncle, brother and friend. my uncle Idris. We do not express our sorrow to you for the pleasures of your livers, Maez, Bakra, Mai, Fayhaa and Manu, but we only say what pleases God, and we are very saddened by your separation.

A quarter of a fork

*My Father, may God grant you patience and may God accept the testimony of my blindness Idris and admit him into His spacious Paradise with the two martyr friends and those who are good companions*.

(email protected)

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