If adults become senile, children pass it – on low heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕Adult dementia is a term used in Sudanese culture to refer to speech or behavior by older people that is not in line with reality or good practice.

⭕ This concept reflects societal, administrative, political and economic concerns about the effects of such behavior on young people, as it presents them with unhealthy role models.

⭕ This phenomenon is considered

Part of the cultural interaction rooted in Sudanese society, which makes it,

An ongoing topic of discussion.

⭕ In this article, we will discuss several aspects related to adult dementia and its effects on…

the society .

⭕In Sudanese culture, adult dementia is defined as a deviation from the expected behavior of older people, where they speak or behave in a manner that lacks

To wisdom. This behavior is considered offensive to the morals of society and creates chaos within the boundaries of giving and guidance.

⭕These thoughtless actions and conversations are reflected in many daily and future situations, affecting the Sudanese scene and the values ​​and traditions cherished by the society.

This requires careful analysis

Understand the motivations of these adults behind their absurdities.

⭕ Adult behaviors that are incompatible with reality include many examples, such as making quick judgments about situations without knowing the details and failing to correctly read the nature and how of the impact and repercussions.

For example, some may talk about the impact of complex political and social issues without understanding them in their entirety, thus misleading future generations. ⭕ Inappropriate comments may also appear on public occasions, which increases the frustration of young people. Therefore, real-life examples should be used to illustrate this phenomenon.

The unrealistic behavior of older people has negative effects on society. These actions erode trust between different generations, as young people begin to ignore advice and guidance due to its lack of credibility. It also contributes to the spread of misconceptions, which reduces awareness among younger generations about their issues.

⭕ It is important to realize that these influences can lead to political, cultural and intellectual divisions between generations.

⭕When faced with inappropriate adult behavior, children often react negatively. Some of them choose to remain silent and distance themselves, while others turn to public criticism, thus widening the gap between generations. ⭕ Such a response can be seen as necessary to strengthen awareness. However, it is also important to show that such behavior is not acceptable and that it is better for young people to learn to express their opinions constructively.

⭕Adults' efforts to guide children well are essential for the future of society. ⭕Adults should recognize temporal and spatial circumstances as an inherent right of this generation and should be a good role model by providing guidance based on their knowledge and experience. Positive guidance helps build strong values ​​and morals in the hearts of young people, which strengthens community cohesion.

⭕This requires awareness and attention from older people so that they can serve as role models.

⭕ The media can play a central role in combating the phenomenon of adult dementia. Through educational programs and analytical articles, awareness of the importance of good guidance can be raised and examples can be provided to new generations. The media is an important platform for raising awareness of the impact of words and actions, which helps to improve the way different generations interact with each other. The media should strive to promote open debate on this phenomenon in order to protect cultural values.

⭕In conclusion, adult dementia is a complex phenomenon that requires collective attention. By promoting appropriate guidance and positive interaction, society can achieve a better balance between generations.

⭕ The media also plays a major role in raising awareness and educating generations about the values ​​that contribute to social and cultural development.

⭕ Combating this phenomenon is an important step towards building a more cohesive and positive society.

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