If necessary: ​​How can we make war more humane? ✍️ Heba Bit Arayedh?

Violence is a phenomenon that haunts humans since their existence, in actions and words, materially or symbolically. We observe it in various areas of cultural, political and economic life. Several anthropological and philosophical studies have shown that man, through his selfishness and his love of possessions, is aggressive in nature.

All divine religions came with the law of human self-esteem. Islam, for example, emphasized human self-respect regardless of ethnic, cultural, or ideological affiliations. The Sharia texts came together to provide protection that guaranteed the honor of the children of Adam: “And We honored the children of Adam and transported them on land and sea and provided them with good things and favored them over many of those whom We created with great distinction. » “The Night Journey, verse 70”. Islam was a revolution against oppression and darkness, and a call for truth and peace, as it preached universal values ​​and natural rights in all their meanings, and emphasized the guarantee of rights of man in times of war, in deeds and words.

There is a huge difference between war and peace. War is devastation and destruction, death and tragedy, while peace is life, construction and joy. Since time immemorial, humanity has fought many wars in which millions of people were killed and thousands of cities were killed. destroyed, and the economic resources that people possessed were consumed to achieve hegemony over the world, and war, whatever its causes, is a project of death and does not allow for a just peace between the nations and peoples. War and peace are a phenomenon based on decisions made by man himself. Wars have many motives and it would not be fair to say that war brings peace. Peace is based on the resolution of all problems existing between countries and the elimination of the causes of conflict between them. or reduce their severity, and instead of directing financial resources and wealth towards war and production factories, let them be directed towards scientific, educational, medical, social and humanitarian efforts and to free man from the clutches of poverty. which serve man and eliminate the phenomenon of war and destruction. War is not a force majeure, but rather a destructive and deadly force. No force whatsoever can overcome the will to persevere, and it will add no positive balance to the destroyer. As for peace, it is an epic. act which embodies the elements of strength, unity and construction, and it is the product of the strength of the human spirit and its morality of maturity, tolerance, kindness and love, rejecting violence, war and hatred, realizing. justice, guarantee the rights of people and disseminate the true principles of religion. Let us ask ourselves: why does man kill his neighbor? Why do countries invade other countries? And why? For power or to control and plunder wealth? Humans do not need enemies, but rather life-enhancing friendships, and there is plenty of money, wealth, and food that would suffice for humans if distributed fairly among themselves and each other. there was no need for war. Every country has a vast area of ​​land sufficient for its population, and it does not need war to possess more. A state can produce much more than life-destroying weapons; Benjamin Franklin said, “There never was a good war, and there never was a bad peace,” and that is the secret of the conflict between war and peace.

The global situation makes the interests of all people coincide and coincide in the search to formulate a culture and education for peace as a humanitarian imperative and a practical necessity to implement the rules of international humanitarian law, and thus overcome the shortcomings demonstrated by previous international solutions. and their negative repercussions on entire nations.

In order to contribute to extrapolating the horizons and challenges of international humanitarian law, we must emphasize the importance of promoting a culture of peace and security that allows us to formulate a new universal consciousness and produce human generations imbued with the values ​​of solidarity. human. who do not violate human rights and do not remain silent about their violation. Here we can only emphasize that the foundations of a culture of peace and peace exist in all heavenly religions.

It is therefore not surprising that wars and conflicts predominate in the relations of humanity, which has endured seven thousand years of wars during its written history, which has known only a few centuries of peace, which They were in reality nothing more than truces. The condition of humanity, which is extremely fragile, has always been a game of balance of power between countries and warring blocs, and its nature is the cruelty and aggression of man against his neighbor.

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