If the Bank of Sudan beats the tambourine, then the custom of bankers is to dance ✍️ Dear Al-Khair

If the Bank of Sudan is the stronghold of corruption and the destruction of the Sudanese economy, and if the bank is controlled by well-known factions deeply rooted in the bowels of this institution, then nothing better is expected from the rest of the country. the banks. It is normal that this displacement and recovery among bank employees and the continuation of the series of expulsions despite the beginning of the return to life in the cities, especially the largest ones, and the return of banks and banking services. is this the reward for these poor people? Employees who lost everything in the war. All they have left is God's mercy and this work. But what do we do with these dinosaurs? Their hearts are merciless. reducing employment and drying up services in a manner detrimental to the Sudanese economy. The last of these is the Bank of the Nile, and the series continues to include the movement of thousands of the best employees, as well as groups and those with common interests. interests in the various banks were retained, the first being the Bank of Sudan. The Central Bank of Sudan has 17 branches spread across the different states of Sudan, and the main branch is currently located in Port Sudan. branch in Al-Fula city under construction. It stopped after the start of the war. The question that arises is how many branches are operating and how many employees have been fired under a strange and strange policy, knowing this. the suspicious names are known and still working and continue to destroy the economy and Azizalkhier decline in the price of the pound sterling. The story is big and the news is talking about billions of fake money and strange stories and unfortunately fake dollars have also been introduced. Part of this money was transferred to the branches of the Bank of Sudan through these cells spread across several types and branches, but the intelligence vigilance of the security services and the return of economic security foiled a plan that wanted destroy the Bank of Sudan. savings in two months. Strong.

Most of these cells have been vetted and are now under the control of the security services, and investigations will reveal the astonishing names of those involved in this major betrayal of the nation. The citizen must know that Sudanese banks are banks without economic profit. The budgets of these banks must include addressing existing market pressures such as those from lenders etc.

There is no proactive banking supervision in banks, so most banks are not prepared to deal with any problems that may arise. Unfortunately, we do not have independent banking supervisory bodies with immunity and adequate resources. corruption in banks), liquidity and interest rate risks remain in banks. It's not clear, and everyone works in secret and, unfortunately, most banks do not use supervisory practices to monitor and manage these risks, because financing and loans are granted in a very strange on assets below the real price. such as mortgaging a property in Khartoum or a factory worth $500,000 with a loan exceeding $10 million. Okay, how is this possible… Therefore, all Sudanese banks are suffering from banking troubles, as unfortunately banks are becoming. weaker and no longer qualified for local and global competition.

We need a fresh look to identify the weaknesses of the Sudanese banking system and work to remedy them… At a time when the banking system needs to be controlled, banks continue the series of labor displacements, opening loopholes in transfers and increasing caps to help smuggle money and destroy the economy.

The stories and accounts of the published results are like the tales of a thousand nights, where one sees wonders and curiosities and hears of the intentions of the government, through the Bank of Sudan, to sell some of its shares in banks for the benefit of certain private individuals. Given the rapid deterioration that could threaten all banks, the issue must be addressed decisively and urgently.

..The awakening of the security services took place on time and the return of economic security came as a shock to many..The start of the recovery of the economy begins with the Central Bank..


My God.


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