Imam of a mosque: The prophetic approach addressed all aspects of the educational deficit

The Imam of Al-Qulaya Al-Atiq Mosque in Shindi, Sheikh Qamar Al-Din Ibrahim Qamar Al-Din, said that the noble prophetic approach addresses all manifestations of educational and moral deficiencies through the hadiths mentioned in the Sunnah in this sense.

Sheikh Qamar Al-Din added in the Friday sermon that educational and moral deficiencies undermine many virtues and rituals of the religion for some when a Muslim worships them, and this is when he is eager to perform the prayer and at the same time he raises his voice against his parents, or infringes on the rights of his wife or brothers, then this issue must be addressed by addressing this educational or moral deficiency so that the issue is rectified according to the Islamic approach, so that life under its shadow is safer, more peaceful and more just.

Imam Qamar al-Din indicated that this month is the month of Rabi' al-Awwal or Rabi' al-Anwar, the month of the birth of the Messenger of Mercy, may God bless him and grant him peace.

He explained that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was sent as a mercy to the worlds, and We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds, not to his people, but to all human beings, and not only to humans, but also to animals, inanimate objects and other creatures.

He referred to a number of hadiths, including that of a woman who entered Hell with a cat which she did not feed and did not let it eat vermin from the earth, and a man entered Paradise because he gave water to a dog which was eating earth due to thirst, and a man experienced the bliss of Paradise because he removed thorns from the paths of people.

He said that mercy is clearly evident in awarding seven hundred as the reward for good deeds.

The Imam called for reviewing work and working to increase the reward by serving people and working to meet their needs because there is a great reward and a great reward in that.

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