Imperial Policies in the Middle East and American Ambitions in Sudan ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamed

Sudan, with its particular geographical location, in the heart of the African continent, has for centuries been the object of regional and international ambitions, with various ambitions and ambitions aimed at undermining its sovereignty. This is seen in the attempts and outbreak of targeted wars. its people and resources since 1821 AD.

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Perhaps Sudan's location adjacent to Arab North Africa, the extension of its borders contiguous to West Africa, as well as its eastward expansion off the Red Sea and its proximity to the Horn of Africa, all gave Sudan an importance” in the notebook of the Western Empire.

It is neither surprising nor strange that Sudan is present in every detail of American policy in the Middle East and in the rise of this power in Palestine and in the countries surrounding the Red Sea.

Given that the country extends off the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, this natural historical extension and presence, due to its geographical composition (Sudan), represents a threat to the imperialist West, especially with regard to the security of the Red Sea. and in the countries of the Horn of Africa, the questions of sources, mouths and waterfalls always arise, especially since the Renaissance Dam, not far from the eyes of the new colonizers.

At a time when the internal war in Sudan pits its military components, the armed forces and the rapid support, at a time when Sudan enjoys regional sympathy with some neighboring African countries, its hostility towards some West African states has become a gateway to the policies of the imperialist West, implemented by proxy by some African governments. . in order to achieve peace and fill the gaps on the Red Sea coast, which the West considers detrimental to its interests and strategic security in the Red Sea and East Africa.

Sudan, which is waging a war in which it has been attacked by circles of Western conspiracies, ambitions and ambitions, led by America, the heir to British colonialism in Sudan, is also facing a more harmful war on its coasts and geographical extensions in the areas of influence and conflict of these countries.

A conflict with a modern political horizon and colonial ambitions.

However, the cohesion of the national unity of the Sudanese government, its adherence to the strengthening of this unity and its preservation of its lands, its people and its security, magnify the courage of this people in the face of two wars with internal and external ambitions.

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