Impose popular resistance as compulsory service!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

*The international trend is to restrict the Sudanese army and slow down the military resolution process beyond what is already slow!!*

*What is needed – firstly – is to activate the popular resistance, raise your hand and give it to God and the country!!*

*The ongoing resistance organizing operations are actually fraudulent operations for which the citizen will pay with more weakness, targeting and violation, and any international resolution will complete what is missing.

*Popular resistance must impose compulsory service on all those who are able to bear arms, and those who cannot must benefit from a form of participation in the resistance adapted to their situation so that everyone becomes a resister.

*Those who have left the country must return to the resistance or send someone to represent them in its ranks with a first-rate relationship*

*Women are resisting everywhere, as is the case with Mayaram El Fasher -!!*

*There is no excuse and negligence is not allowed, because sharing is a defense of existence -*

* The activation of the popular resistance is supposed to have its leadership, which it gives birth to from within, and the success of the resistance means that it has its independence in terms of leadership and finances, and that its relationship with the army is one of coordination, training and arming if the resistance needs it.

*If the joint forces of the movements are until today an independent force from the army in their leadership and finances, and the coordination between them and the army is limited only to the operational side, then why insist on destroying the resistance and holding one's breath by placing it under the command of retired army officers!!*

*Why doesn't the resistance gain the trust of the leaders like the joint forces did, and the result is in the interest of the nation?!*

*Where is the headquarters of the Popular Resistance today, where are its financial accounts, and even where is its legal personality?!*

*What is true, in light of similar situations, is that the army – the popular armed forces – is part of the popular resistance and not the other way around -!*

*This is the people's battle, not just the army's!*

*Such wars are not left to armies alone, but the army essentially means mobilizing everyone – !*

*Every region must reorganize the resistance in anticipation of what is coming, and all the popular resistance forces in the country must have coordination, panic and a supreme council!!*

*If we remain in the resistance, then these are the conditions for the success of the resistance. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with (negotiating) for the good of the citizen!!*.

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