In a white sea, despite the circumstances, there are six personalities worthy of praise ✍️ Saad Al-Safir

They are led by Mujahid Omar, Caliph Abdullah, governor of White Nile State, who has made an army of all the people of the state, except those who have disease in themselves and who see the opposite in the field of services. Given the circumstances of the war, the Caliph was successful in this matter, a success that may be seen by many and missed by others, and the evidence is plentiful. The Caliph toured all the localities of the state and announced his support for the army. a man who does not know the path of tribalism and regionalism. He is a public figure who stands out for his strength and decisiveness.

Major General Sami Al-Tayeb, Commander of the State Crocodiles, is one of the most distinguished officers in the armed forces and has a great contribution in the battle for dignity. Despite all this, some may not see what he and Sami Al-Tayeb have brought. Harba's staff in the 18th Infantry Division did so, especially those who believe that the armed forces carry a razor stone to crush enemies and that Sami is one of the best leaders of team, even if the army is not cowardly and does not know things. path of fear, but Sami has something that sets him apart from Rusafa, and some may not know it.

Fatima Al-Hajj, Minister of Finance, Bahr Abyad, is a mercy from heaven and may God do good and support to Bahr Abyad Finance. Despite the circumstances, she worked with all purity and effort and achieved much of what was required. , despite the circumstances of the war.

Abu Ubaida Omar Ajabeen is the executive master of Bahr Abyad and in all honesty, he excels over all his colleagues in terms of strength, effort and knowledge. He is definitely the first in the state, and we do not know the way of courtesy, but. we say bravo to the one who deserves it and we praise him, and it is a word of truth by which we mean the truth.

In addition to all this, Dr. Al-Zein Saad, the man who pushed the most important issues forward and succeeded, and every white sea testifies to the fact that Al-Zein Saad Adam is one of the most important ministers most distinguished and healthy people who succeeded to the ministry, and the people of Bahrabid, many of whom can agree with us that the young and energetic Dr. Al-Zein Saad is a hardworking man and has achieved many successes and thus right now. *the service is far away and I can't* *count what the governor did* *and Fatima, Al-Zein, Ajabin and Abdullah*

Dr. Abdullah Ismail, the state investment commissioner, moved a file that was almost absent in the state, and it is one of the most important files in the state, that of investments, because he brought back to this State many things which were absent. In fact, Abdullah achieved income that did not exist before, but thanks to his accumulated experience, he was able to achieve a significant percentage of the exports he made. The commissioner is a big, big success.

In fact, the government of this Caliph can be said to be one of the most distinguished members of all time, and it helps us to speak the word of truth that pleases many and angers others.

From this angle, we call on Governor B to preserve *these people and let the meter beep after them*

One last whisper

*Movements of the armed forces* *It is not in the hands of the governor or the Sami, it is a war strategy for which the commander in chief is responsible* *For the armed forces, his deputies and the general staff . They spared no effort during the Battle of Karamah and everything* *Sami was assigned to him, he executed it to the letter*

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