In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly… President of the Sovereignty Council: The will of the Sudanese people will prevail

New York 09/26/2024 AD

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, addressed today the work of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, stressing that the will of the Sudanese people will prevail in this war launched by the rebel terrorist militias with international cooperation and support. He said: “The map to end the war in Sudan clearly includes ending combat operations and withdrawing the militias from the areas they occupied and displaced. its population and disarming it so that citizens can return to their areas.

Al-Burhan renewed his desire to defeat and defeat these aggressors, regardless of the support they find, calling on the United Nations to truly describe the Rapid Support Militia as an armed force that rebelled against the state and committed crimes that amount to being classified as a terrorist group.

His Excellency affirmed the commitment of the armed forces to the democratic transformation process and the right of the Sudanese people to choose who will lead them. He said: “Therefore, it is keen to fulfill its first commitment, which it made after the glorious December revolution in 2019, by handing over power to any consensus or elected government, and will not allow the return to power of the previous regime, which the people rejected, and affirms its commitment to contribute positively to facilitating the transition to civilian rule. .

The President of the Sovereignty Council renewed the government's commitment to seeking peace with all groups that still bear arms, as well as our commitment to completing the Juba Peace Agreement signed in 2020 AD. Noting the magnitude of the challenges and conspiracy that Sudan is exposed to, with local and regional political and logistical support, in flagrant disregard of international law and will, he added: “I wonder why the international system has not taken decisive and dissuasive measures against this country. this group and those behind it, committing crimes against humanity and war crimes, and refusing to implement Security Council resolutions.” And regional organizations, reiterating once again the government's determination and concern to facilitate humanitarian work and protect humanitarian and medical convoys and teams.

Below is the text of the speech of the President of the Sovereignty Council before the United Nations General Assembly.

New York, September 26, 2024 AD

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

Mr. President

His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Your Excellencies, Kings, Presidents and Heads of Government

Ladies and gentlemen, all participants

May the peace, blessings and mercy of God be upon you.

I address you today on behalf of the people and Government of Sudan. First of all, I am pleased to congratulate the President of the current session and his team, wishing them success in light of the growing threats to international peace and security. Our Organization has been at risk, undermined the principles of freedom, peace and justice, and violated international law.

Sudan believes in and supports the role of the United Nations and supports initiatives to reform and develop the work of its organs, particularly the Security Council, to consolidate pluralism and collective security, preserve human rights and address the challenges of climate change, ethnic issues and ideologically motivated terrorism.

Participants, gentlemen and ladies

Sudan welcomes the theme of the session (Unity in diversity to promote peace, sustainable development and human dignity) and also welcomes the priorities carried by the vision of the President of the current session. It also believes in the need to implement the outcomes of the Future Summit, including the reform of the United Nations and the Security Council, in order to put an end to crises and their persistence, which threaten international peace and harmony among nations and peoples.

Your honorable presence

The proliferation of unilateral actions outside the scope of the United Nations, in violation of the Charter and international law, and the use of means and mechanisms of political and economic coercion to achieve political goals mainly contribute to destabilizing security, political and economic stability and inflaming wars. Selectivity and double standards have become the dominant feature of international relations.

Mr. President

Perhaps you are aware of the magnitude of the challenges and conspiracy that my country, Sudan, is exposed to as a result of a war launched by a group that rebelled against the state with local and regional political and logistical support, and have followed the magnitude of the crimes, atrocities and violations committed by this rebel group against the Sudanese people and the Sudanese state entity, because this war began with an attempt to seize power by force of arms and quickly… It has turned into a comprehensive war against the Sudanese people and their state, and through the crimes of ethnic cleansing, forced displacement and genocide committed by the Rapid Support Militia, deserve to be classified as a terrorist group. It continuously commits all these crimes and, unfortunately, finds support and backing from the Sudanese people and their state. countries in the region that provide them with money and mercenaries to achieve political and economic gains, in flagrant disregard of international law and will.

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