In the fifth column mail, militia agents, and agents ✍️ Saad Al-Safir

O column, you participated in the arrest of officers of the armed forces, the police and the security in Khartoum, and many of them were liquidated in exchange for the militia's satisfaction with you, and you forgot the satisfaction of God.

O column, you participated in the overthrow of Wad Medani and many cities and villages. Did your family settle after the fall? Did you and your entire family flee and become weak in schools? only linked to the areas controlled by the armed forces? Did you benefit from the money of the mercenaries that was looted from the Sudanese people and many people with money were killed? The question is how many collaborators were eliminated by the misguided militias.

Did not the Prophet of the nation say that the removal of the Kaaba is easier in the sight of God than the killing of a believing soul? Did not God Almighty warn against the killing of a soul and forbidden wealth?

Why do you protect the armed forces and conspire against them when the harm falls first on the citizen who is not at fault?

Have you not held your conscience accountable before joining those who died astray? Are you guaranteed to live in this world until you disobey Almighty God?

Does Sudan, the homeland, deserve this treatment from you?

Finally, I ask God to open the insight of every culprit, to come to his senses and to stop supporting the Daglo family militia, which has no connection with democracy.

In conclusion, the militia has disappeared by order of Almighty God, and may God grant victory to our forces despite external and internal conspiracies, and we are all one army.

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