In the house of (security) and (safety), and the pride of the Sudanese people – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

Exactly 24 hours after the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Supreme Commander of the General Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, with journalists in the hall of the General Intelligence Service in Port Sudan, the same meeting was held in Shendi with journalists, media figures and creators in the arts and theater, which was primarily a social meeting, it is essentially a welcome to people from the media and culture, including journalists and people from the theater. and creativity coming from Khartoum.

And in the garden of the General Intelligence Service building, the Shindi Security Unit, gathered the people of media and creativity in this house, which (expanded) with the generosity of hospitality (and increased) in elegance and tolerance of the (warmth) of welcome and desire brought them together like a lover, because the people (of media) and (of security) are two sides of the same coin. One of their common concerns is the collection of information. The former collects and strives to obtain information. . To publish, the latter works hard and collects information to reproduce it in a way that serves the cause of security and safety.

This meeting, which took place on Sunday, was supposed to take place several months ago, but Ahmed Farah's family was concerned about the challenges that lay ahead, and their concern was to ensure and coordinate with the rest of the security services and regular forces in order to stabilize the pillars of security, which faces great challenges and a weight that is not yet a primary task, which seems obvious. The Shindi General Intelligence Service bears the burden of a locality, but in reality it is the burden of an entire state. In the full sense of the word, Shindi has borne the entire security burden of Khartoum to be the first line of defense to protect the Nile and the rest of the northern and eastern states, and the General Intelligence Service has continued to provide (evidence) every day. And overnight, all paths are cut off for the most hardened criminals.

The General Intelligence Service of Shindi continued to work day and night, never slackening its energy and never relaxing its channel. The locality of Shindi is open to a number of States and its ports of entry and exit were a target for these hardened people. of evil and aggression, but they found there men of great determination in whom all the dreams of the aggressors were to be shattered.

The Shindi Intelligence Service (book) does not begin or end without a major achievement that would be a source of pride for the Sudanese people.

This celebration, which took place in the agency's gardens and in the afternoon, is a good indication that the intelligence services have caught their breath and brought back many of the programs postponed due to the security priority. Among them was this celebration, which took place with the wide participation of the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi, the people of theater and creativity, and the Shindi Media Department, which embraced with all love this generous group, which exchanged its love for the people of the locality and increased media activity. And the testimonies provided by the executive director of the Shindi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, and the director of general intelligence in Shindi, Colonel Ahmed Farah Saeed Ali (Anq), from the Expatriate Media Association.

The value of this celebration does not lie in the comfort of the welcome or the hospitality, but it remains the biggest and strongest indicator that the security situation is under control and that the threat zone that was launched before is in a state of permanent decline.

This celebration could be the start of the great victory celebrations, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said: “I see victory soon.”

Thanks to Shindi's General Intelligence Service for celebrating media and creativity in an autumnal mood that heralds imminent victory.

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