In the light of crises, humanity is dying and the virtues of society are being slaughtered – slowly – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟡 In the history of individuals and societies, the concept of “love for people” remains one of the fundamental values ​​that determine our behavior and interactions with others. In Sudanese culture, this love is embodied in lasting bonds based on respect, trust, and mutual support. However, the crises that Sudanese society has been going through for a long time are deeply affecting this conception and making the challenges more apparent. The motivation behind these changes in human behavior is the result of the impact of the economic and social crises that are hitting the country.

🟡 Economic crises and pressures significantly affect social relationships, as poverty and misery affect the way individuals relate to each other. Friendships have turned into relationships based on opportunity rather than true friendship, putting human bonds to the test.

🟡 In these times, individuals may try to hold on to relationships that have material value rather than emotional or human value.

Which leads to the disintegration of families and the breakdown of ties with friends who were once a source of support.

🟡 The current situation in Sudan is described as resembling a jungle, where challenges appear in the form of predatory animals looking for an opportunity to survive.

🟡 Competition for limited resources has become the dominant characteristic of most individuals, leading to intense competition and sometimes reckless behavior. The social divide is widening due to the lack of resources, which pushes many to act selfishly and disregard the interests of others.

🟡 This has led to a lack of trust between people and the transformation of love and sincere relationships into a mere false and inhuman appearance.

🟡 Urgent need is considered one of the most important factors that affect human morality and values. As the situation worsens, individuals often become susceptible to justifying their actions that conflict with moral principles. Cases of lying and deception aimed at survival are on the rise, while many are moving away from the original teachings that encouraged mutual love and care.

🟡 A society that relies on the principle of “the end justifies the means” opens the doors to opportunism at the expense of human values, which leads to social disintegration.

🟡 Amid these challenges, many individuals find themselves in a conflict between feelings of brotherhood and belonging on the one hand, and need and exploitation on the other. These feelings can provide hope for overcoming crises, but they are being tested in the current circumstances.

🟡 Some hold on to these feelings as a means of survival and adaptation, while others abandon them for fear of being exploited. The importance of these feelings is that they are a reminder of humanity's ability to communicate and empathize, even in difficult times.

🟡 The Sudanese human experience today is a bitter embodiment of what society suffers in light of current challenges. War and displacement, in addition to the lack of resources, create harsh scenarios that make it difficult to achieve a balance between survival and the preservation of values. 🟡 Many consider that these circumstances can justify their negative behavior, but we must strive to restore humanity in our actions.

🟡 By working on authentic values, we hope to overcome crises and build a cohesive society that reformulates the concept of loving people so that it remains present despite all circumstances.

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