In the middle… between heaven and hell! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Invitation to the burqa, elegant in appearance and rich in content, sent to me by the very distinguished professor in presence, thought and appearance, the distinguished Muhammad Al-Fateh Hamdal Al-Nil, Director of the General Administration of Culture and Information in Gedaref I. We attended a brainstorming and brainstorming session bringing together officials, scientists, farmers and journalists on the theme of the agricultural season, opportunities and challenges. Perhaps the participation was elegant and distinguished in this very beautiful health insurance room.

Through the visions and discussions, it appears that the next rainy agricultural season will experience major turning points and challenges that will require great effort from production partners. A high percentage of the previous funding money that was given to farmers has not been recovered. by banks. For example, Banque Agricole has an amount equivalent to $120 million in debt to farmers and Ali. This is a comparison with all other banks. So far, the reimbursement rate has not reached 60%. It will be difficult to finance farmers for the next season unless farmers repay their debts.

The issue of inflation, which is growing geometrically in this country due to the war and the fluctuation in the price of the dollar, makes the companies that provide services to farmers (hand in the heart)!! For fear of engaging in something that would have bad consequences for them, the study states: The cost of a technical acre the previous season was 165,000 pounds, and the traditional one was 75,000 pounds. Given current circumstances, this cost. could triple next season.

Next season, the area for cultivation is estimated at 7 million five hundred thousand acres and the volume of agricultural operations is estimated at 250,000 barrels of fuel, with financing amounting to 450 billion pounds. This represents a significant cost to my life. this must be managed at a rate not exceeding 80% for the next agricultural season to be successful, on which depends the production of the entire Sudanese state of Gedaref which is not only the state after the last outing of a certain number of states in the production circle. This is a major challenge facing the State and production partners and a fierce battle in which the army of Gedaref (Al-Qoqo) will engage!! The one who greens the earth and cultivates it. Perhaps the farmers of Gedaref have risen to this great challenge, and these national values ​​for which they are known are not strange.

The platform revealed great efforts and appreciated the support given to small farmers in the previous season as financing, and it achieved unprecedented success, represented by Mercy Organization, Ebdaa Bank and Zoa Organization, but the efforts of these organizations were defeated by their weak media, which did not reflect this great support. The platform was absent from the vision of the insurance companies, except that one of the insurance companies found an opportunity and made its contribution in this area.

From my platform I look… where I see… that the next agricultural season can find a great opportunity for success and move from the central region to paradise if the triangle of success is completed, whose sides are finance, modern technologies and encouragement to shopping. Thank you to the Department of Culture and Information for this brilliant showcase, and thank you to all the organizations that participated. Thanks to the scientists and officials of Gedaref State for this scientific storm that was presented to Gedaref. to his people…. And Yahoo Da…. Sudan.

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