In the midst of a large and crowded presence, the Nile governor witnessed the reconciliation between the Nuba and the Magadhibs and appreciated the efforts of the reconciliation committee.

The destroyer

Amid a large and massive public presence, Dr. Muhammad al-Badawi Abd al-Majid Abu Qarun, Nile Governor in charge of District 38 in al-Damir, witnessed the reconciliation that took place between the Nuba and the Majazidis, in the presence and participation of

Police Jurist Major General Salman Muhammad Al-Tayeb, Director of State Police, Lieutenant General Al-Tayeb Al-Misbah Al-Hajj, Former Nile Governor Professor Osama Majzoub Babakir Al- Labib, executive director of Al-Damer Locality, leaders, symbols and notables of the state and Al-Damer.

The governor expressed great joy at the completion of this reconciliation and the complete abdication and forgiveness of the Nuba for the sake of Almighty God, stressing that the Nile State continues to provide a model and example of peaceful coexistence and a cohesive and interconnected society among all. The governor commended the considerable and competent efforts made by the reconciliation committee until its efforts were crowned with amnesty, reconciliation and restoration between the two parties, in a manner that demonstrates conscience and the understanding of all parties and their adherence to the values โ€‹โ€‹of tolerance. of Sudanese religion and customs.

Mr. Osama Majzoub Babakir Al-Labib, executive director of the locality of Al-Damer, confirmed that the reconciliation took place with the total conviction of the Nouba, welcoming this large influx of witnesses to this great work. He cited the Quranic verses and the nobles. Prophetic hadiths as proof of the virtue of forgiveness and concession. He praised the Reform Committee, calling for the need to expand and strengthen its work, and said we aspire for the Committee to lead an initiative to complete reconciliation between the Nuba and the Nuba. the Koran, who are linked by numerous ties of kinship, lineage and neighborhood, and it was announced that the locality would take care of the family of the deceased as well as his grandfather and his brothers.

We note that the celebration was marked by the expressive and eloquent words of Mr. Omar Al-Jalal, Chairman of the Reconciliation Committee, his deputy, Mr. Muhammad Ali Hamid Al-Rao, the Chairman of the Nuba Council, Mr. Sheikh Ali Zain Al- Abidin and the family of the deceased, who all focused on the meaning of forgiveness and prayed to the Almighty to grant victory to our armed forces and those who support them, a powerful victory that will sustain all enemies inside and out.

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