In the midst of a large community interaction to eliminate hunger, a survey of targeted communities in white was conducted.

Al-Hallaj: (He who does not care about your poverty, does not care about your affairs)

Amidst great community interaction in Al-Obeid town, the three survey teams composed of the relevant authorities of Shikan locality, to implement the community jabrakah project presented by Eco Sudan Organization for Combating Drought and Desertification, have completed all the schedules related to achieving the set objectives. the targeted communities for the implementation of the community jabrakah which was to be implemented at the well and irrigation pump sites that were dug and rehabilitated through partnerships between Shikan locality, civil society organizations, philanthropists and the Zakat office.

According to the introductory report presented by Eco Soudan, the project is considered a war project aimed at ensuring food security and combating hunger in light of this war and the deliberate siege of the Rapid Support Forces militia on the city, as well as changing the culture of society from consumer to producer in homes and other spaces in neighborhoods and schools.

The information indicates that the three technical survey teams conducted the survey in the targeted communities in a context of great community interaction in the neighborhoods, hoping to implement the project as soon as possible in order to be able to combat the extremely high prices in the vegetable market and to combat hunger. be eliminated due to the acute shortage and absence of vegetables on the table, resulting in a severe shortage of vegetables. The food elements expose children, mothers, young people, the elderly and others to acute malnutrition.

For his part, Professor Muhammad Othman Al-Hallaj told the survey team that conducted the group interview to fill out the survey form with the neighborhood community that the project is important for the residents of Al-Abyad in general during this difficult time. Al-Hallaj added that there are new technologies for horticultural agriculture that can produce vegetables and fruits in quantity and quality, and the Jabraka community project will contribute to their dissemination. He said that the state government did well to adopt this project at this time, because it allows it. is a project that fights poverty and hunger. He concluded and said:

(He who does not care about your poverty, does not care about your affairs.)

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