In the presence of the Vice-Governor of the Nile and the Minister of Culture and Information… Shendi University pays tribute to retirees for the year 2024

Deputy Governor of Nile State and Minister of Culture and Information of Nile State, Mustafa Al-Sharif, praised Shendi University and said during his speech (Wednesday) in about the honor given by the university to retirees, that this honor symbolizes loyalty. and embodies gratitude, emphasizing that pension is not the end of giving, emphasizing that knowledge has no end, he stressed the need for society and future generations for adults to have experiences .
He praised Shendi University’s extensive partnerships and coordination with the state executive body, including their role in the Battle for Dignity and the Sudanese Certificate examinations. He expressed his thanks to the community of Shendi for what they have done towards the arrivals and added: “Shendi. honored the state with great honor to honor the citizens who came there. ” He also praised the community of Shendi for its financial efforts. And the morale with the government, and the minister was proud and proud of the official and expatriate media professionals of Shendi, emphasizing that they presented a distinguished message in The battle of Karama, and he welcomed the popular resistance, noting that the locality of Shendi led the mobilization and training and began the launching of the camps.
He highlighted that the state is promising in terms of resources and investments, indicating that its cities are evolving economically following increased commercial activity. He attributed this to the presence of agricultural and industrial components. He preferred the presence of a focus on peace and development, stressing that it will play a major role in the next stage.
For his part, the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, highlighted the role of retirees of Shendi University for the year 2024, led by Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Saleh, towards society and the nation.
He said the retirees were entitled to the honor and considered it a way of rewarding their loyalty for coming and settling, and now the fruits are being reaped. He expressed hope for the success of the retirees in their new business. lives, adding that retirement does not neutralize professional life, but rather there are areas of creativity and work in which they can be sold, emphasizing the benefit of society.
Praising Shendi University for hosting a large number of universities and colleges with specialized professions, doctors, as well as its role towards society by hosting, before the war, the Chinese delegation of more than 45 medical specialists in the locality of Shendi and camps for the eyes. , kidney, cancer and heart patients, in addition to its contribution to the accommodation of expatriates, the latest of which is the Great National Epic. Historically, this is the examination of the Sudanese certificate, emphasizing that the Battle of Karama showed the patriot care for the country. .
He also praised the efforts of popular resistance through the Armed Forces Support Committee, stressing that he noted the presence of alert personnel in the front ranks of the movements advancing towards the refinery.
The Director of Shendi University, Professor Hassan Awad Al-Karim Ali Ahmed, confirmed that the celebration is an expression of gratitude and appreciation of the institution towards its employees who have spent their years serving the university, and that the objective is to connect the retiree with his establishment.
He bade farewell to 60 retirees of the university over a three-year period, noting that the 17 who are being honored dedicated approximately 15 to 30 years of their lives in service to the university. the university demonstrates leadership in serving the community.
He said one of the benefits of the War of Dignity is that everyone is in the same trench for the good of the homeland.
Adding that the honor bestowed on the state governor is due to the fact that he was a supporter of the university as well as his leadership in education in the state and even in Sudan by adopting the examinations of the Sudanese certificate, in addition to his tireless work in standardization. civilian life during the war period.
He attributed their honor to the popular resistance as the main support and reason that raised the morale of the armed forces to achieve the recent victories, and he considered this a purely popular work.
He stressed that we must honor the local planning committee which contributed to the registration of the university lands, and that our aim was to secure the university lands, confirm them with research certificates and to help the university expand its properties, as well as continue to grant new university land and assets.
The university also honored the initiative of the Sons of Shindi to absorb the first shock of the war to shelter immigrants, which did not require local international organizations, and to honor a symbol of society, Muhammad Othman Muhammad al-Bashir, symbol of culture and humanity. and a source of history.
For his part, the President of the University Council, Dr. Moatasem Ibrahim Jadallah, declared that honoring is a return to these retirees. He stressed the existence of value and interest in Sudan's retirees in terms of their valued contribution to the construction of the great. He denied that the pension would be the end. Dealing with the university is an extension of cooperation and sharing the experience and skills they have. acquired, adding that professional life does not end with retirement, noting that there are initiatives to absorb this experience.
Stressing that the university has performed well in serving the community during the exceptional period the country is going through, providing education and scientific research and establishing partnerships with everyone, adding that Shendi University is the third side of the well-known triangle (the government, the third division, the security authorities and society) and that it constitutes the institution. He noted that the university provides medical services through Al-Maknam Hospital and announced the upcoming opening of an open heart surgery and kidney transplant center, noting the work of a field hospital and of a treatment camp in partnership with several cholera control agencies. Fever and dengue.
He praised the armed forces and described them as the backbone of the nation.
Furthermore, Professor Ahmed Mohamed Saleh affirmed his pride in working at Shendi University and that she was among its constituent elements. He described it, on behalf of the retirees, as a strong young university that occupies an advanced position in the higher education revolution. He pledged to continue providing what is required of them in this work despite their retirement, and they will be a support for the homeland, the armed forces and the university. He expressed his hope to double the work efforts at the university, especially in the country. is going through an exceptional situation so that the university remains advanced, and he praised the armed forces and the regular forces. Different countries in defense of their homeland in a war imposed on them and hoping to achieve complete victory soon.
This honor took place in the presence of the Minister of Culture and Information of Nile State, Mustafa Al-Sharif, the Chairman of the Council of Shendi University, Engineer Moatasem Jadallah, the Director of the Shendi University, Dr. Hassan Awad Al-Karim. , the representative of the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Siddiq Omar Shannan, and of the Ma'ash Corner Brigade, Essam El-Din Hussein, head of the Popular Resistance and Mobilization Forces of the locality of Shendi, the leaders of the popular resistance. , the representative of the Security and Intelligence Service, Major Muhammad Ali, and the head of the People's Initiative for the Sons of Shendi to shelter expatriates, Khaled Amer. Director of the Department of Culture and Media, Bakri Al-Azraq, Head of the Expatriate Media Association, Elias Abdel-Rahman, and directors of banks, including the National Bank of Omdurman, Faisal Al-Islami, the Islamic Bank and the director of the pension fund.