In the rumor of the militias – victory of the Sudanese army and people ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ The news of the liberation of the Al-Jili refinery gave rise to many interactions on the Sudanese scene, as it gave hope and ignited the spirit of resistance among the people. When the roaring processions and marches of the citizen masses spread and took to the streets without disorganization, the marches were able to give the army a sign of hope in the face of attacks by rebel militias.

⭕ People who responded with strong hearts played a vital role in supporting these national campaigns, which reflected their interdependence with their armed forces. We therefore need a more in-depth analysis of the details of these events and their effects on society as a whole.

The rumored liberation of the Al-Jili refinery was not only a military victory, but it had profound social and political consequences.

⭕ The news strengthened citizens' sense of belonging and loyalty to the armed forces. Everyone wanted to see their army achieve real victories on the ground, which would help rebuild trust between the people and their army. This trust is considered one of the building blocks of the nation, as massive protests have taken place in support of the armed forces, expressing cohesion and cooperation between the people and the army.

⭕ Although the rumor threw people into a state of hysterical joy and when it was denied many were disappointed, the indicator is good and clearly shows that people have a strong relationship with their army which does not is not overcome by rumors and nonsense, and soon the screams returned from the citizens as they returned home, calling out names and muttering their tongues.

⭕The deployment of armed forces in areas where militias are present shows a great desire to meet the challenges. The joint forces, by this measure, were clearly responding to the chaos that had spread due to rebel activities.

⭕ This military decision is considered a clear message to all those who dare to destabilize the country. Citizens feel safe again, which helps strengthen the army's position in the eyes of society.

⭕ Rumors spread by the Rapid Support Forces clearly indicate a state of panic and fear among the rebels. Their goal has always been to boost morale by spreading misinformation. But people have become aware of these methods which only serve to create chaos and confusion. The immediate reaction of the population was clearly to reject these rumors and to raise their voices in favor of the real armed forces.

⭕ The Sudanese people have shown great support for their armed forces in critical times. This support was manifested by the organization of large processions and popular events which reflect national cohesion.

⭕ The people demonstrated their strength of will against the militias, as massive crowds seamlessly expressed their support and loyalty. ⭕ Joint forces and regular units were present on the front lines, supported by the desire of the people to unify their ranks against the enemies.

⭕ The impact of popular activity on army morale was clear and evident, as positive interactions between soldiers and the population increased. These moments forced the armed forces to feel responsible towards the country and committed to protecting it. With the support of the population, the soldiers were motivated to give their best in the battles to come. Popular support created real momentum which allowed the army to regain self-confidence.

⭕ The referendum and popular support through which the armed forces restored community confidence was a crucial step in the process of transforming the Sudanese situation. The positive examples that the populations experienced during battles and clashes were indicators of the return of stability. Public support and recognition of the important role of the armed forces provide the foundation on which the future begins.

⭕ The union of efforts between the people and the army paves the way for building a Sudan free of chaos and divisions.

✨Letters on fire..

We are our army that will win

Because it is a strong and free army

Read their ancient history

And memorize the line… line

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