In times of war: who will denounce the stupidity of the poor?! – Loose – ✍️ Abdul Salam Al-Qarai

Injustice and tyranny breed in the souls of the poor, that is to say, stupidity, as our good people say.

As everyone knows in Sudan, the affected country, and in the era of left and right governments, none of these governments have managed to provide a decent life for citizens represented by the necessities of life, such as health, education, environmental health, water and electricity. The biggest concern is the lives of the people, that is, the boatman's boat, according to the opinion of the marginalized poor in Sudan, the crises.

What two rational and fair people do not disagree on is that the Sudanese are not asking for the impossible, only governments are required to provide these necessary services, which means that the majority of Sudanese do not understand the politics and its afflictions, and even those who understand it. understand that most of them belong to the educated class who claim to understand politics but unfortunately practice political injustice. They contribute to disrupting the mood of the poor, as they seek to achieve their interests at the expense of the misery of the resilient and patient Sudanese people. .

What is strange is that these people believe in ideas that they consider optimal, even if they have not been able to implement them on the ground, particularly in matters of civilization and democratic transformation.

Unfortunately, they forgot that this imported political obsession requires a solid foundation, which means that Sudan must be stable in several areas, including the economy and security. So how do these obsessed people want Sudan to transform into a democratic country when its people, that is, Sudan, suffer from poverty, hunger, disease and ignorance?

Therefore they become like those who plow the sea.

We return to the successive governments that have failed par excellence in providing the necessities of life. They behaved like the Sheikh's donkey in Aqaba, meaning that they were unable to accomplish the difficult tasks, and such governments are not worthy of remaining in power.

The result is that the stupidity of the poor has no one to denounce it, and the trend continues, and it is natural that the rates of injustice and frustration among the poor increase.

As a result, the silent majority in Sudan lost confidence in the SAS group, believing that they were negligent in their national duties. However, they persisted in insisting on continuing the approach that contributed to the destruction and devastation.

Who would have thought that these people would continue to break the heads of the oppressed by making them believe that they are keen on establishing the pillars of good governance, but what is happening on the ground is that they are deceiving the oppressed by theorizing, drugging and deception which has led to starvation, displacement and killings.

Sudan, the country of the Nile, is rich in natural resources, but its population is mired in a sea of ​​marginalization and neglect.

One of my esteemed colleagues, who was studying, noticed a clear stupidity in the scandal which surprised him, but there is no doubt about the intelligence of the honorable brother (the former minister). He knows exactly how the poor suffer in our country. afflicted country, so it is natural that the company and its owner interact with the poor and marginalized people who have been left behind by the SAS group to deal with their plight of poverty, hunger and disease, and all that does the owner of the scandal. it is to remind Sudanese officials of the condition of the poor in Sudan and its requirement, that is to say the owner of the scandal, that the country's officials have a patriotic spirit and a clear conscience, because it is clear that it is dead and is content with death.

We return to the conversation of the classmate whom I interviewed after leaving the chair of the ministry. I asked him to speak, but he refused, and sometimes some suggestions come from him that confirm that the civil service, even at the level of high positions. , is affected by the disease of inaction and arrogance, and the proof is that the situation of citizens pleases neither an enemy nor a friend. Yet they do nothing, as if it did not concern them.

The bottom line is that the one who made this statement is oppressed by the injustice of the poor people of Sudan, the afflicted country. May you remain safe and healthy.

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