Inauguration of solar energy at Al-Dabba hospital

The Executive Director of Al-Dabba Locality, Mr. Mohamed Saber Mohamed Ahmed, the Sudanese Red Crescent Organization, Northern Branch, Healthcare and Reproductive Health, and staff of the Al-Dabba Hospital Al-Dabba inaugurated the solar energy project for sensitive vital departments, which are the laboratory department, the operations department and the nursery, at an estimated cost of 50 billion.

The Executive Director appreciated the considerable efforts made by the Red Crescent, Northern Branch, which is implementing this work. He also thanked the United Nations Population Fund, which supports this achievement.

Highlighting the role of renewable energies in stabilizing the work of the hospital, he explained that this work reduces a large part of the burden on the hospital and the citizen, and thus works to reduce the deaths of mothers and new -born, hoping that such projects will continue like this. that everyone in the locality can benefit from this distinguished service.

On the other hand, the medical director of the hospital spoke, thanking the parties who support and carry out this great work, emphasizing that it will contribute to the stability of electric current and the stability of work at the hospital . would extend to the rest of the departments. He also hopes that solar energy will be installed for the renal center, which is the most needy department.

In this context, the head of the Red Crescent spoke

Thanking everyone for the hospitality and warm welcome, hoping that the project will provide the greatest service to humanity and contribute to reducing the mortality of mothers and newborns.

It should be noted that this project includes 72 545 watt panels, 48 ​​200 amp batteries and 6 8 kilo transformers.

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