Inauguration of the Victory Brigade in Nile State, composed of seven battalions
Mayor Abdel Basset Abdullah Mohamed Al-Saeed, Commander of the Victory Brigade in Nile State, delivered a speech at the inauguration.
Al-Nasr Brigade in the northern sector of the West Bank, in the locality of Al-Matma, composed of three thousand fighters
The force was reviewed from the Kamir Al-Awadiya area in Al-Matma, passing through the locality of Al-Matma, which was addressed by the representative of the Executive Director, Mr. Issam Essa.
He said the Nile is protected by its men and the brigade is a force that supports the armed forces and supports popular resistance.
Even in Shendi locality, where Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Executive Director of Shendi locality, said that Nile State responded to jihad and people power and fought alongside the armed forces, which stood in solidarity with them in the Karama camps.
Inauguration today of the Victory Brigade, which coincided with the victories of the armed forces in the Wad Madani axes and the villages of North Bahri.
It should be noted that Mayor Abdel Basset Abdullah, Commander of the Victory Brigade in Nile State, addressed the crowd gathered in the transit zone at the entrance to the locality of Shendi, whose Celebrations coincided with the liberation of the town of Wad Medani. He offered his congratulations on the victory and liberation of Gezira State from the brutal rebellion. The mayor indicated that his forces would raise the tamam from inside the Al-Jili refinery and that it was a force of the caliphate. battles, he confirmed their desire to liberate every square inch of territory, even the towns of Nyala, Adre and Al-Daein, to protect the territory. And the show.
Deputy Commander of the Victory Brigade, Suleiman Al-Mahsi, explained that the parade of the force, composed of the Nile people and consisting of seven battalions, inaugurated and paraded the force of the Victory Brigade, and the The next few days will see another inauguration in the locality of Buhaira.