Incredible things in a country facing open war ✍️ Omar Kabo

++ That the Sudanese people support their armed forces is an obvious axiom of an intelligent and perceptive people who have understood with their common sense that the national army is their protective shield, their safety valve and their fortified fortress on which no force cannot rely. the earth can conquer…

++ This does not prevent him from resorting to a terrible and deafening silence in the face of erroneous assessments which are considered gross and catastrophic errors which could not come from an authority which is waging a brutal war…

++ Certainly, a day will come when the country's leadership will be questioned about this after the end of the war and the fate of terrorist militias will soon disappear, God the Almighty willing…

++ The first of these things is that human experience in all countries of the world has shown that the quickest decision made by a country faced with war is to impose a state of maximum emergency. However, this government categorically refused to impose it for an extended period. hidden reason which we do not know, and if it had been intended to do so, it would not have dared in trifling shame to provide support or assistance to the militia and to restrict the movements of the militia and those associated with it. affiliates. .

++ The second is the expulsion of the Emirati ambassador. Established diplomatic norms, rules and traditions as well as the practical practice that governs the practice indicate that the first foreign-related sovereign decision was intended to expel the Emirati ambassador, not leave him. free to leave the country and then return, which in itself expels him. An eloquent message to his State. Here the legitimate question arises: why didn't the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do this? This is a case that calls for an explosion. and anger.

++ The third is the resumption of the journey to export gold to the Zionist Emirates, whose militias invaded the country, violated the honor of the people and committed all reprehensible, major, terrible crimes. Despite all this, the competent authorities. allowed a private plane to transport gold from Sudan and export it to the State of the Emirates, the first enemy of the Sudanese people…

++ Fourth: In times of war, the judiciary and the prosecution prepare their reports to accuse all those who simply dare to cooperate, participate, help and show loyalty to the rebels. The Sudanese people must understand that the weakest link in coordination. between the parties to defeat the rebellion, it is our judicial apparatus, in particular the judiciary and the public prosecutor. He has so far failed to fully assume his responsibilities…

We can make an excuse for the attorney general, who was involved in a serious traffic accident that cost him a hospital bed and surgery, but we certainly can't make an excuse for his aides in the office , as agents and in public services. and prosecutions. Is it possible that Sudan is devoid of any traitor, mercenary agent who deserves to be arrested and charged? Is it reasonable that the prosecution cannot submit a single request for recovery to these dishonorable, treacherous and obscene agents who roam the airports with the aim of carrying out a conspiracy to fragment, divide and fragment the country? ??!!!

++ Fifth: related to the formation of a war government that will assume its role in providing basic services such as health, education, rehabilitation and reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war, all the more so as life in large parts of Khartoum seemed gradually returning to normal, especially as the agricultural season approaches and its success represents the greatest guarantee for crossing safely until we do not become addicts and support people…

++ The sixth of them: Restoring the stability of Al-Jazeera Al-Khadhra represents the most important and greatest key to the success of the agricultural campaign, and that if the island is not liberated, this means that farmers in Al-Jazeera, Al-Manaqil, Al-Qadarif, Sennar and Al-Damazin will not be able to cultivate this season, which means the failure of the agricultural season, which leads to the strangulation of Sudan …

++The seventh and final question is related to the neglect of the island, so that the government finds itself in a critical situation that requires the elimination of any rebels or traitors on the island. As for why the government hasn't put in place insurance that would allow this. Making the plains of the island inaccessible to these bastards is the biggest question that needs to be answered…

++ These are questions, things and questions that concern every Sudanese citizen and require refutation and clarification. Are there enough satisfactory answers???!!!

*Omar Capo*

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