Independence is a celebration of colors and communication of generations ✍️ Major General Yasser Al-Khazain
Perhaps the most important issue on the minds of millions of Sudanese is the call for reform, and I see its absence as one of the reasons for our stumbles, setbacks and crises throughout the period. elapsed since the dawn of independence. The early pioneers of the Renaissance, and generations after them of thinkers, writers, and ecclesiastics, raised the standard of reform without realizing many of its slogans.
I begin my article with a question: can the call for national reform meet the challenges? I say yes, considering what we are experiencing in the middle of the breaking waves that throw us here and there, and we have not yet been able to get to safety due to lack of a lifeboat, which every time we are on the point of catching it, a wave comes and takes it away from us, and we waste opportunity after opportunity due to the practice of methods of exclusion, marginalization, cancellation and confiscation.
Through my interest and academic studies in economics, Pierre Bourdieu, the most famous European sociologist of the last quarter of the 20th century, ruled the world of capitalism, neoliberalism and privatization economics, and he idolized the market economy through his book “The Misery of the World. “As we celebrate the glorious days of independence, for it to be true independence from our current year, we must provide the necessary tools to realize the necessities of the people and reveal the causes of their illnesses, the social. conditions and things that led them to their situation and difficulties. It builds a critical liberating sociology by studying the injustice of society and politicians and denouncing the falsification of consciousness carried out by mass institutions and satanic and vain parties, so that we can restore the wheel of production, the cultural capital and the precious heritage of our society. a unique people thanks to the spirit of common action for a homeland that welcomes all.
Anyone who contemplates the map of the new Sudanese scene clearly discovers the frequency and sequence of experiences which resulted in an important visual accumulation in record time which allows us to speak of the currents and turning points which make political practice worthy of bearing the name (the new national school). , with the specificity and distinction that this school requires, unlike previous political practices, we are revitalizing this new scene with a movement worthy of its size and creating the cultural, political and security event that succeeds it. biographies of martyrs with letters of light May God accept their testimony and honor their benefit. We joined them without changing and this embodied the true coming together of the Sudanese people around their army and sharing the trenches. It is a celebration of colors, a link between generations, in celebrations that we started a few days ago and which continue everywhere. of our beloved country and beyond.
We establish the values of tolerance and the culture of dialogue and teach our children the meaning of independence and what it is through the declaration by working with direct public cohesion between the people and their armed forces. the Allied War was the main reason for gaining independence and evoked the memory of those who died and whose fingerprints bear witness to their presence among us today.
Al-Nazir Abdul Rahman Dabke, Al-Habib Jumah Sahl, Al-Sarira, the designer of the flag, Al-Azhari and other architects of independence.
The rescue regime fell, and changes and amendments began in laws, positions and faces, and people came to power. We thought they had a road map for democracy, and the Shura Council, according to our understanding, until we saw their train. led us to an illegitimate and (Abu Tako's rule) dictatorship without authorization or rights.
The war imposed on us has taken place
The story that began around us was simple, after vile conspiracies were hatched behind the scenes of the dark rooms, oppressing the hearts of those who were there, among the human demons who conversed in a hidden language, and their villains emerged from the sewers and stagnant water, so the roles were mixed and chaos spread throughout Sudan. Then, the place around us quickly transformed into a scene of exciting events for children in costumes. In the openings of furniture and under the beds, the armed and other regulars. The armed forces, supporting forces and the Mujahideen faced it as a legitimate right to defend the Sudanese people. Which was intended for a demographic change and to replace it with another people, that is why the Mujahideen worked alongside the armed forces, obeying its directives and working under its command to rid society of tyranny, confiscate the freedoms and spread the values of truth and justice. The masses of martyrs who preceded us to Paradise were groups and still are in the rosary of many mechanisms waiting to fall, leaving in their place a void that can only be filled by a ray of light that reflects on the world. words and deeds, since they dreamed neither of the impossible nor of the impossible They drowned in the sea of illusions of change through approval, but they were aware that the path was strewn with pitfalls and that the The affair required jihad, patience, preparation and a formidable capacity for resistance. got mixed up, and the endings of which we were certain were changed, and the mother of centuries, the beautiful princess, became hostage to her misfortune, and the knight of her dreams no longer protected her from the dangers of the unknown . or planning this, and wishing that she achieves the impossible in the form of forbidden silver and gold, and no prince fights the lions of the armed forces and other regular forces, support and mujahideen, it has been and is done. (Al-Jagham) with complete success 24 hours a day, and I see her hating her new depressing image, lamenting her luck, no longer knowing what was around her, and her memory turning into a page erased, and she had nothing left but confused looks and short words in the houses of the citizens whom she possessed, according to her first assertion, by force of arms, there is no more money, nor wings, nor search for (power for the leg and). no money for the noose) is no longer available, just missing Baal
As we breathe in the scent of independence, we look forward to the birth of a system of consciousness, a dream of awareness, mass communications, solidarity and community solidarity with which we all interact to make independence a new birth of a secure and stable homeland. , aligned behind the armed forces, building the social fabric and rejecting regionalism, tribalism and racism. Let our slogan be a homeland that welcomes everyone under the umbrella of (God is the homeland, the armed forces).
#And we are all an army
You are dear, my country, despite the harshness of adversity