Indicators of the End of the War in Sudan – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

The observer of events in Sudan notes that a conviction is beginning to form among all parties about the importance of reaching an agreement between the political forces to end the war. This was preceded, as is known, by the conference of Sudanese parties and leaders of civil society, which was held in Cairo, in addition to the conference of political parties in Addis Ababa under the auspices of the African Union… This is in addition to the rapid and successive visits of sister Arab delegations… and delegations of friendly neighboring countries… All this has made it important to move away from the rhetoric of activists in the media and move towards a rational dialogue that advances the interests of the country and avoids the dangers of possible disintegration… In light of the blocking of the political horizon, in light of advanced military operations, elements for resolving the rebellion on a number of fronts have begun to emerge.

Those who follow the events also clearly notice indicators confirming that secret negotiations are taking place behind the scenes, and this is a characteristic of political action that leads to success. He also notes the acceleration of steps towards a solution after the end of the war. Finally, this is, in my opinion, a good action that contributes greatly to the establishment of peace and the maintenance of security.

On the other hand, it seems that the ongoing agreements at all levels have approved the submission of the rebel forces to the will of the Sudanese armed forces through the implementation of the Jeddah agreement in all its details, namely the abandonment of civilian property and homes. and the regrouping in camps outside the cities. There is also talk of starting to prepare camps on our borders with the State of South Sudan to accommodate these forces… and this is what the Jeddah Platform is moving towards, which will move to Switzerland in the future. in mid-August… and which intends to integrate security arrangements with political arrangements, perhaps to ensure a lasting solution preceded by a permanent ceasefire that paves the way for the demobilization and reintegration process, while proceeding simultaneously with the political process… This. could bring some relief to the political forces who fear that the military will monopolize power if security arrangements take precedence over political arrangements.

This is what was revealed by the leaks that circulated today in secret among decision-makers and the media, in reference to the questioning of public opinion… to be transmitted later if it is accepted… given that the origin of the war is a political conflict that became military after some political forces used the rapid support rifle to seize power… and I failed.

The most salient features of the leaked document.. in which the system of government has been taken care of and which expresses the next day.. On the side of the head of state, seven members of the sovereign, both military and civilian, are appointed..; In Parliament, the participation of all parties, the civil administration, youth, women, clergy and peace movements in Juba is approved. The Legislative Council comprises three hundred members. …As for the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, which does not exclude any of the parties and whose activities take place within…; It selects a committee of fifteen members from among the forces participating in its activities..; Appoint the members of the Transitional Legislative Council…; As for the transitional period, the document proposes a transitional period of three years. It is governed in accordance with the constitutional document published in 2019 AD after some amendments were made to it..; On the government side, the document spoke of a national unity government composed of national competences and non-partisan politicians. I left the question of the appointment of the Prime Minister to a national committee composed of eleven people known for their integrity and competence..; It chooses three people appointed by the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue to lead the government. They are presented to the Sovereignty Council and from among them the appropriate person is chosen. The document also proposed six levels of government… Sovereign..; Ministers..; the judiciary..; the Constitutional Court. Legislative..; Public prosecution.

In my opinion, this proposal is good if it manages to overcome the devil of details…; It is also important that there is a clear indication of reparations and compensation for citizens. This must necessarily be raised in the context of any potential engagement and agreement between the military and international and regional mediators.

It is also important to emphasize that the reconstruction must name the parties that are committed to it… so that the life of the Sudanese people returns to normal at the required pace… otherwise this disclosed agreement will have a lot of difficulty in being accepted and may put the army in front of a major challenge in front of its people, who offered it… It had support and support for a year and a half in a war that undermined its dignity, wasted its resources and even sent it back to the Middle Ages. The order for the demobilization and reintegration of the rebel forces must also be clearly mentioned in accordance with the Sudanese Armed Forces Law. The issue of multiple armies must be completely eliminated. The door must be closed. before April 15..; If all this happens, these are good indicators of the end of the war in Sudan. Similarly, if it were revealed to the people that what was disclosed is true and that the matter is proceeding in this manner without international and regional commitments from those who helped to start the war… it could have made it difficult to convince the Sudanese people to make peace… and to move towards ending the war.

May you always be well..

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