Interests and the Yankee Bot – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zain Al-Abidin, the lawyer

American pressure, a water plan under the table…

To return to the Jeddah platform to accept the minimum requirements.

Some say the American position on this issue is gray.

The long-running conflict…

But she was rebellious when she spoke rudely.

On both sides of the conflict…

How can a respectable country match an army?

A patriotic and illegitimate rebellion…

She has turned her back on madness, so her interests are paramount.

Beyond values ​​and principles…

You trample with the Yankee boot what you declare

Foreign policy…

Addicted to lies, wishing for the height of rebellion…

You see the abuse, the death, the destruction, the atrocities

Don't move yet…

In the Security Council, you do not support the truth, you support lies.

His goal is to plunder our resources after weakening the army.

There will then be no central decision…

The army remains disintegrated, weak and defeated.

Talking about meeting military intelligence personnel

Between Sudan and America in a Gulf country…

Regarding a next meeting in the same country soon…

And his annoyance at Russia's rapprochement with our country

And about a military aid program like a card

A compromise to make a difference in the war…

This leads us to ask many important questions…

Has America Ever Kept Its Promises to Us?

You can't count on someone who doesn't keep their promises to implement…

Is the Russian agreement current or old and not implemented?

Why did America change its mind and the war become more urgent?

For over a year, she hasn't lengthened her carrots…

Is America buying time and destroying our board?

Does abandoning the agreement mean the end of the rebellion?

America had already warned against concluding the deal…

She said she was aware of the discussion that took place…

That is to say, to speak of one's astonishment…

His belief in our agreement with Russia does not affect him

A pure lie…

This assumes the authenticity of the aforementioned meeting.

Not to mention my health…

America said the deal would increase our isolation…

Do we believe her and open our mouths waiting for her carrot…

Al-Burhan confirmed to us during the meeting with the media the isolation…

It is difficult to obtain weapons and ammunition…

When they complain against us, the cake will fall on its eater

America's nominations are still the same as Arqoub's.

Waiting for us to fulfill its obligations is costly.

The implementation of the agreement with Russia has obvious advantages…

Direct supply of arms, ammunition and supplies

All military needs…

With the absolute political support of the Security Council…

Implement important economic agreements (fuel).

gas, wheat, agriculture)…

With incentives that fit the mold of stopping the war…

And to hasten the victorious exit of the army…

America is a speckled serpent whose name is misleading and evasive.

We have been besieged for many years under false pretenses…

She blackmailed Shafiq in the name of terrorism…

Don't trust him and don't encourage his meetings out of fear…

Because it wastes time and prolongs the war…

Let us be carried away by the wind and scorned by every relief…

Let the suffering spread and the country become torn apart and weakened…

Let's choose Russia, but we haven't seen anything of it

What hurt us before…

Waiting is expensive because people are tired of standing

on the pavement…

This opens the way to defeat and tears the country apart…


Al-Burhan met with silent media figures yesterday

When you need advice on when to save…

They were the cause of his affliction. Al-Bashir met them.

Before it falls…

They disowned him when he lost the luster of power…

If they were among you, they would add nothing to your ignorance or humiliation.

Through you they seek tribulation against you, but among you there are those who listen to them…

Victory comes only from God, the Strong and Almighty…

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