Interior Ministry releases 17 tonnes of medicine to support war effort

Port Sudan: Total Net

Acting Interior Minister General Khalil Pasha Sairin and Police Director General Lieutenant General Khaled Hassan inaugurated the tenth batch of medicines to support the war effort, estimated at 17 tons of various types of medicines.

Distribution of medicines to hospitals in Port Sudan and El Fasher:

These medicines will be distributed in Bouaris, to the police and customs hospitals in Port Sudan as well as to the military hospital in El Fasher.

Continued support for the war effort:

The Interior Minister affirmed the ministry's continued efforts to support the war effort and all hospitals receiving the wounded from the Battle of Karama.

Providing care to the wounded and injured:

Colonel Numeiri Abdullah, chairman of the committee, said that the launch of the tenth batch of medicines contributes to providing treatment and medicines to all injured and wounded citizens and those in need of care.

Thanks from the representatives of the Darfur States:

North Darfur State Representative Engineer Ibrahim Abdullah thanked the Ministry of Interior for supporting Darfur states with medicines, expressing his hope that other institutions and ministries will follow the Interior's example.

Thanks from representatives of police and armed forces hospitals:

Representatives of police and armed forces hospitals welcomed the Interior Ministry's support for the war effort and the provision of medicines to the wounded in the Karama battle.

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