Into the well and the elephant fell in!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

There is no doubt that war is a curse, but for the weak souls of the traders and owners, it is a blessing that they consider, but this is not the case for the prudent person who fears his Lord. in the heart of the Gedaref market, and a woman was near me, I asked her: I want to buy powdered milk, where is the good milk? After signing a contract for the separation of milk, the price of which reached 1000 pounds per pound, the separation of (Al-Tarifi Lee Jamlo) !! She said to me: From this man, that is, the owner of the grocery store, the woman bought 2 kilos of milk for an amount of 16 thousand pounds, meaning that the price of one kilo is 8 thousand. It was my turn to buy, and a man. whispered in the ear of the seller, and I think it was he who gave the instructions, that the price of a kilo had become (10) thousand and not (8) thousand, and he wanted to sell me the item at the old price. , so I left him and bought from someone else at the same price and with the same quality. This means that each item can increase in two minutes if the store owner's phone rings!! Or it was his imagination that decided this and based on this, he based himself on the rest of the goods.

In safe cities, prices have become chaotic and are increasing geometrically every day, even every hour. The situation has become difficult for citizens and even more difficult for those who have arrived and do not have money or do not have enough for themselves. The traders, especially the weak souls, have been afflicted with greed and this disease has prevented them from looking with compassion at the one who stands before them. They go to their table to order a commodity. The industry speaks and complains about this unhealthy phenomenon. There are even goods that are transported from the city to the outside to be sold at high prices in some areas.

After investigation, it became clear that there is no shortage, but that goods flow daily to safe cities under the protection of the armed forces, which are stationed in some places and facilitate their movement, but it is greed that has afflicted traders and fear. increases that they imagine and do without reason. What makes the price of a kilo of beef rise to 16 thousand pounds?

From my platform I look… where I see… The weak souls of the safe cities, merchants or owners, show their fangs and are greedy for quick profits, taking advantage of the conditions of war. They squeeze the citizen until his oil comes out! The authorities of these cities must intervene… We are not lacking… She is in the well and the elephant is in it!! Have pity on the people, and they will have pity on you from the top of heaven.

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