Iran's need to enter the war in Sudan is no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babiker Al-Makabrabi

The battle of dignity that the Sudanese armed forces are carrying out with merit against the invaders, the Al-Dagalo terrorist militias.

The Sudanese armed forces have amazed the world and all military experts around the world.

Knowing that Sudan is facing a plan from a large number of countries, including America, Israel, France and Britain, in addition to some Arab countries as well as the eastern neighboring countries, known to all.

Referring to the title, local and Western sources from the French capital, Paris, report on the movements of the Taqadum bloc led by Hamdok and the group (Taqaddum), which is not recognized inside and outside Sudan. The Zionist United Arab Emirates, alongside Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt, are working to economically strangle the Sudanese armed forces, freezing assets abroad in Malaysia, Asia and most of the United States of America in order to weaken the Sudanese armed forces and their Islamist supporters. , and work to incite other countries to freeze national and Islamic assets due to their refusal to negotiate, according to the source's claims, in addition to asking the criminal court to expel Islamists from the state of Turkey and Qatar and to carry out the process of arrests under the pretexts of rents, debts, reservation of balances, etc., by the quadrilateral.

And to militarily separate eastern Sudan from its center and south. The goal is for Kassala State, Blue Nile and Darfur to fall into the hands of the militias and to open special fronts facing neighboring Ethiopia towards Mount Halawa and other sites through. rebel militias brought from Saudi Arabia after receiving extensive and advanced training.

Revealing the relief of those gathered at the absence of Iranian military presence, representing the Iranian air force, army, information and missile bases and their vehicles, given the autumn season as well as their good opinion of these countries.

Which encourages them to continue implementing the current plan.

The fact that Iran constitutes a frightening deterrent to the above-mentioned countries and the danger it poses in thwarting the plan

This is about the dismantling of the Sudanese army, that is, its armed forces, for the benefit of these countries and their operators, and their fear of seeing Sudan turn into Iran, number two with the intelligence of patriotic Islamists, after the truth about its brothers was revealed. revealed..

Therefore, urgent measures must be taken as follows:

First, the time has come for Iranian military intervention by summoning the military air force, holding an emergency session to discuss various food and military financing, while also summoning the Iranian military itself, secretly or publicly.

These countries are intervening and conspiring to erase the existence of the Sudanese people and a country called Sudan.

Just like the UAE and some Gulf countries did by conspiring against the Sudanese state and people.

Iran has the right to do so, and the new road, which is of great importance, must be secured by the arrival of the Iranian Urals and its military vehicles.

Jabal Halawa and its recovery, in addition to the investigation and intense and permanent surveillance of the Dindir enclosure area and the implementation of the El Fasher scenario, because their fall plans will slow down the enemy's movements with stretches across the Daraba and Bayda areas to meet the Dindir and warn the villages that the area has become an operational area. Caution must be exercised, especially the Subajo tribes, or whether to leave the area until things clear up…

So, now that the vision has become clear, dear gentlemen, Sudan is facing a grand project to make the state of Sudan completely devoid of Sudanese people.

That is why we say that it is useless to count on the Security Council and all its members. They themselves are trying to prolong the war so that the plan can be carried out according to its plan.

Any entry into negotiations means that Sudan is a loser.

A number of countries supporting the militias have intervened. Why are we asking Iran for immediate military intervention to thwart the plan and block the road?

Against countries that want Sudan to receive land without population.

So, to the senior leaders of Sudan and Sudanese diplomatic relations

Move immediately towards Iran and demand that it help the Sudanese state and people and prepare for military intervention using Iranian aircraft and missiles.

Diplomacy must also be activated

More towards Russia and China

They support the unity of the Sudanese people.

*Conclusion* Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, we are facing a plan in which Sudan and the Sudanese people will either exist or not exist.

We must gain time and request Iranian military intervention to thwart the plan…

The lesson is over…

Be careful…..

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