It happened on this day, January 5
1477 – The Battle of Nancy takes place and Charles the Bold is killed, and Burgundy becomes part of France.
1500 – Duke Ludovico Sforza invades Milan.
1554 – A large fire breaks out in Eindhoven.
1781 – The British naval fleet burns Richmond, Virginia during the American Revolution.
1846 – The United States House of Representatives votes to end the division of the Oregon Territory with the United Kingdom.
1895 – French officer Alfred Dreyfus is stripped of his rank and sentenced to life in prison on Devil's Island after the Dreyfus Affair.
1896 – An Austrian newspaper reveals that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered a type of radiation later known as X-rays.
1902 – Abdulaziz Al Saud retakes Riyadh from Al Rashid.
1909 – Colombia recognizes the independence of Panama.
1911 – Creation of the Zamalek Sports Club in Cairo under the name “Club Qasr El Nil”.
1919 – Foundation of the German Nazi Party.
1925 – Nellie Ross is elected governor of Wyoming, becoming the first woman to serve as governor of a state in the United States.
1933 – Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge across the San Francisco Strait begins.
1940 – First experience with FM radio.
(1945–The Soviet Union recognizes the Soviet government in Poland
1948 – Warner Bros. produced the first color documentary.
1957 – U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower announces his plan to resist communism in the Middle East, known as the Eisenhower Doctrine.
1964 – Pope Paul VI meets with Greek Orthodox Church Patriarch Athenagoras I in Jerusalem in the first meeting bringing together leaders of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches since 1439.
1968 – Alexander Dubcek takes power in Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring era begins.
1972 – U.S. President Richard Nixon orders the start of development of the Space Shuttle program.
1973 – The Netherlands recognizes East Germany.
1976 – Cambodia changes its name to “Democratic Kombucha”.
1980 – Hewlett-Packard Company announces the launch of its first personal computer.
1984 – Richard Stallman begins developing GNU.
1991 – Georgian forces attack the town of Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, sparking the South Ossetian War.
1996 – Assassination of Hamas leader Yahya Ayyash with a bomb placed in his cell phone by Israeli intelligence services.
1997 – Withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya.
2011 – Representative John Boehner assumes the presidency of the United States House of Representatives.
2016 – Announcement that Algerian Riyad Mahrez won the 2016 Best African Player of the Year award.
2018 – Oman national team were crowned champions of the Arabian Gulf Cup in the twenty-third edition after defeating the Emirates national team.
2020 – Al-Ula Declaration.
2021 – Leaders and heads of delegation at the Gulf Summit in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia, sign a document of principles establishing an end to the diplomatic crisis with Qatar that has lasted for more than three years.
1592 – Shah Jahan, one of the rulers of India and builder of the famous Taj Mahal shrine.
1767 – Jean-Baptiste Say, French economist.
1779 – Zebulon Pike, American explorer.
1884 – Hosni Baqi Zadeh, Ottoman Syrian politician.
1846 – Rudolf Eucken, German philosopher who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1908.
1874 – Joseph Erlinger, American physiologist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1944.
1927 – Taher Sharia, Tunisian director.
1928 – Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Pakistani politician.
1931 – Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
** Robert Duvall, American actor.
** Juan Goytisolo, Spanish novelist.
1932 – Umberto Eco, Italian philosopher and novelist.
** Ahmed Taleb Al-Ibrahimi, former Algerian minister and son of Sheikh Allama Al-Bashir Al-Ibrahimi
1938 – King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain.
1941 – Hayao Miyazaki, Japanese animation screenwriter. 1942 – Atallah Abu Ziyad, Palestinian-Jordanian poet.
1946 – Diane Keaton, American actress.
1952 – Hatem Zulfiqar, Egyptian actor.
1960 – Abdel Basset Hamouda, Egyptian singer.
1963 – Hoda Hamada, Jordanian actress working in Kuwait.
1966 – Yuri Amano, Japanese actress.
1969 – Marilyn Manson, American singer.
1976 – Diego Tristan, Spanish footballer.
1980 – Sebastian Deisler, German footballer.
1986 – Deepika Padukone, Indian actress.
1988 – Muhammad Al-Ramadan, Kuwaiti actor.
1996 – Max Baldry, English actor.
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842 – Al-Mu'tasim Billah, Abbasid caliph.
1066 – Edward the Confessor, king of England.
1589 – Catherine de Medici, wife of Henri II, king of France.
1762 – Empress Elizabeth, tenth Empress of the Russian Empire.
1933 – Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States.
1954 – Walter Edward Scott, explorer of the United States of America.
1961 – Bayram al-Tunisi, Egyptian poet.
1964 – Adib Lahoud, Lebanese playwright, historian and teacher.
1970 – Max Born, German physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954.
1978 – Murtada Al Yassin, Iraqi Jaafari jurist.
1981 – Harold Urey, American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934.
1988 – Zeenat Elwy, Egyptian belly dancer and actress.
1996 – Yahya Ayyash, Palestinian mujahid.
2007 – Souad Nasr, Egyptian actress.
2011 – Mohamed Al-Dafrawy, Egyptian actor.
2016 – Mamdouh Abdel Aleem, Egyptian actor.
2017 – Rafiq Al-Subaie, Syrian actor.
2021 – Alfred Samaan, Iraqi poet.
** Muhammad Al-Shawaqfa, Jordanian writer and director.
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Holidays and Occasions:
⏪ Go Day in Japan.
⏪ Royal Omani Police Day in Oman.