It is salt… the food of war and love – these are my visions – ✍️ Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab

Salt still has its luster, shine and dazzling whiteness. This has happened since man first knew salt as the seed of life and its sacred essence thousands of years ago.

The Chinese were the first to know about salt and the first to discover, produce and sell it (23% of world production), followed by America then India.

As for the British, they built the highest and longest wall to protect the salt areas. who paid the soldiers' salaries; The word (salary), which means salary, derives from its Latin origin.

Sitting next to salt was a source of pride and social and political prestige, while the ancient English assigned a specific man to eat a piece of bread with salt in front of the dead in an effort to absorb his sins in order to so that he can move (slightly). ) towards the beyond.

Salt was a major source of the European Renaissance and led to the emergence of giant cities, including Venice, Munich and Liverpool. Just as the world knew it (the salt age), as it lives today (the oil age)… Who owns it? He has the power, decision and authority to politically and economically persecute those who are inferior.

Salt is considered the main reason for the French Revolution, and salt smuggling was reason enough to receive a life sentence in old Paris.

Salt contributed to India's independence from Britain after Gandhi grasped a handful of salt in his hands, which represented the symbolism and first spark of the Indian revolution known as the name of Marche du sel. Moscow also witnessed the so-called Salt Rebellion.

(Cities of Salt)… is a novel by the Saudi Abdul Rahman Munif. In this tale, the storyteller whose writings have found international popularity, summarizes the story of the rise of Gulf cities from the bottom and without logical hierarchy to the top. due to the sharp rise in oil revenues, which makes them susceptible to a rapid explosion if exposed to an unexpected setback.

And the word of the Almighty in Surah Al-Rahman: “The two seas meet, between them is an isthmus which they do not cross. » Commentators considered them a witness to the power of God and the wonderful work He accomplished when the waters were fresh. of the Nile (Euphrates) meet the salt waters of the Mediterranean Sea (the brackish) without them mixing.

This is due to the presence of the isthmus separating them at a point called (Al-Lisan), in the town of Ras Al-Bar, affiliated to Damietta, Egypt.

This is due to great wisdom, necessitated by the mercy of the Creator towards the living and life in the little river, in the abundant ocean and also on earth.

In the Holy Bible, Christ, peace be upon him, called his disciples “the salt of the earth” as a metaphor for their purity, kindness and generosity.

In ancient times and up to the present day, people used salt by rubbing it on their bodies to expel evil spirits and sprinkling it on their new homes.

According to interpreters, seeing salt with earth in a dream indicates an abundance of money, thanks to which people's lives and livelihoods will be improved.

If a seeker of knowledge sees it in his sleep, he will attain jurisprudence, and if a seeker of the world sees it, he will receive a lot of money.

Whoever sees this between quarrels will go to reconciliation, and whoever sees that people's salt has spoiled, the plague will fall on them.

Salt has a tremendous ability to expel negative energy, generate positive energy and expel jinn.

It is said to treat around 72 diseases and has countless health benefits, including providing a feeling of thirst, regulating heart rate, helping with digestion and balancing muscles, as well as healing and cleaning wounds.

It also has great benefits when it comes to protection against clotting. People have been using it for 6,000 years.

However, UNICEF said 3 million children in West Africa do not consume iodized salt, accelerating their loss of life.

It is quite surprising that a recent study published by the European Heart Journal in 2020 proved that salt is an innocent accused who has not been found guilty of causing high blood pressure and strokes.

Researchers who studied 95,000 volunteers over an 8-year period said that by using 12 grams of salt; It is equal to double the amount authorized per person per day; This is not the main reason for a decline in the body in this area, but it may lead to a change in expectations, as this is seen as a reason to increase the average lifespan.

As for your saying: “Between us (bread and salt)” means that there is affection, brotherhood and kindness between you, but the real intended meaning is a little different, because the salt referred to here is mutual breastfeeding. and therefore he who does not keep salt with his brother has not taken into account the breastfeeding which brought them together.

May you live long

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