It's the Nile! – Ink and feather – ✍️ Moataz Abdel Qayyum

With Bashri Al-Nasr, the joys of the island of Nile State began and the joy spread there. Citizens closed the roads with joy and the era of sadness ended and passed away forever.

And because it is the Nile, it was necessary to celebrate with the inhabitants of Al-Jazeera, Sennar, Sinja and Khartoum so that it could end at home, and the Berber locality seemed to organize buses of voluntary return to the towns of Sinnar and Sinja under the generous sponsorship of the executive director of the Berber locality, the secretary of the Nile State Zakat office and the director of the locality Zakat office Berber and social protection of the Berber locality. The Sudanese Red Crescent Society, the Berbers and a number of related parties, and everyone bid farewell to those who were with us and shared salt and salt with us before the accommodation, houses and everything. Despite everything, Sudan seems to be doing well, promising a bright future that everyone expects after victory and a virtual opening of the fighting fronts.

Let us move forward together towards what we seek without looking back and what the supporters of sedition and the heat of battle advocate to us, because what happened has started to happen now without aim or interest, from a war created by a state. , behind which weak souls are attracted who want to live on crumbs and divide the nation, larger than it and more powerful than an adversary who is more powerful than it, by fighting it cannot achieve victory, but he is defeated at every moment and flees. on the battlefield, because he does not fight for a cause or goal that he sees as nothing other than destruction. Country.

Now everything seems clear, and the evil state is looking for a way out, and it has no other way than to recognize what it has committed against the nation and the citizen, including displacement, sabotage and usurpation of the nation's property.

And because Al-Nasr does what he does and violates the sanctity and sanctity, and the homeland is safe in the presence of these people, the armed forces and those mobilized in the battle for dignity, who bear arms, spread security and spread peace, and victory, with His permission, the Almighty, is near, the return has begun and the reconstruction is yet to come.

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