Jabal Muwayya.. The sweetness of returning home ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

Days and situations have proven that the Jabal Muya area is not an archaeological or agricultural area, nor is it a border area between Sennar State and Gezira and White Nile States . It has been confirmed beyond doubt that Jabal is indeed. a strategic area in every sense of the word, and its location has an impact on Sudanese national security. The fall of Jabal Muya isolated White Nile, Kordofan and Darfur states from the rest of Sudan and contributed to the fall of Sennar state. On the one hand, and on the other hand, the villages of Jabal Muya received 2,876. A family displaced from the villages of western Sennar when the rapid support militia invaded it and became a refuge and a refuge for them. They shared with its inhabitants food, shelter, shelter, food and a dose of water until Jabal Muwayya fell to the hands. militia henchmen on June 24, 2024, which resulted in the displacement of all residents of the villages of Jabal Muwayah due to the brutalities and violations and atrocities inflicted on them by the Rapid Support Militia, including some. were moved to White Nile State and some of them He was moved to the town of Sennar, and others were moved to Gedaref, Kassala and Port Sudan, each according to the destination he chose *.
*And to the same extent that helped the militia expand from Jabal Muya, the armed forces were able to regain control of Sennar State and liberate Dinder, Suki, Sinjah, Wood Nile and Abu Hajar after the liberation of Jabal Muya. After the liberation of Jabal Muya, the armed forces worked to clear this area of any explosive objects and foreign bodies, so that the Jabal Muwayya area is habitable and can accommodate its inhabitants. displaced citizens. The armed forces accepted the return of people. Jebel Moya home after the area was completely raked and made habitable again and citizens could safely lead their normal lives. The return journey to Jebel Marra will begin tomorrow, Sunday January 19, 2025, after seven months of forced and forced travel. forced departure from home*.
*Tomorrow, Jabal Muwayya houses will open their doors in Jabal Muwayya al-Kabira, Kamar al-Nair, Awlad Mahla, al-Kabishab, al-Aawar, Naqouqa al-Jabal, Jabal Muwayya station, al-Ballihab, Jabal Doud, Jabal Bayut, Saqdi, Kamar Umm Asfar, Saqdi al-Mahamid, Saqdi al-Qadam, Qalaa Wad al-Ajouz and Qara will receive his people who know him and know him, and he will return there with a warm breath. people whose beautiful memories will be embraced tomorrow, both sweet and bitter The call to prayer will ring out from the minarets, repeating: “God is great, God is great, live for prayer, live for the peasant”, and those with reassured and happy faces who were expelled from their homes by force of arms, tyranny. , lack of manliness, lack of honor, lack of morality and lack of good manners will return. They have left their homes and are certain that they will inevitably return, and here are the armed forces granting them the right to return home. houses strengthened and honored*.
* Tomorrow, Sunday, people's tears will flow freely as they bid farewell to the residents of Jabal Muwayya returning home. They will weep over their separation, and they will weep over the good hearts they have found, over their companions and over their companions. their sweet home. They will cry through the nights and days they shared familiarity, affection, appreciation and respect. Bridges of affection will stretch between them, and they will spread the sail of memories to cover what is separated by distance and for. let them know… Whoever reaches out to you in times of need, love and difficulty will not be forgotten. These beauties and memories remain a testimony that the Sudanese people are still doing well. Tomorrow, the people of Jabal Muya will cry with joy as they tread the riches and land of Jabal Muya. Their hearts will cry. when they enter their homes and find that they have become rubble due to the looting and pillaging of the militia thugs, but they will be rebuilt as long as their guns are green tomorrow. It will be the celebration of the inhabitants of Jabal Muya. . Return home safely and send your sincere greetings to the Sudanese Armed Forces*.
The article was published Jabal Muwayya.. The sweetness of returning home ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr First on Zoll net.