Janjaweed Militia Embarrasses America and Puts It in a Great Dilemma ✍️ Omar Kabu


*Proof: There is no escape from combat, otherwise it is defeat, submission and defeat*…

++ I do not know of any political statement that has caused as much unrest and confusion as the statement by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in which he called on the Janjaweed militia to adhere to a code of conduct for its militias…

++ The source of the trouble is that the minister acknowledged that these insults constituted ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity since the outbreak of the war against Sudanese civilians…

++ This was preceded by his demand that the “decimated” Janjaweed leaders direct their desires to refrain from violence against women, exploitation at checkpoints and destruction of crops, and to comply with the obligations of the Jeddah Declaration and international humanitarian law…

++ The US Secretary of State, after a year and a half of these atrocities committed against the Sudanese people, suddenly remembered that he had a sacred duty towards the Sudanese citizen, which was simply to advise, counsel and direct the leaders of the country. Janjaweed, nothing more than that they must adhere to the ideals, principles and morals.

++ Only because American weapons must be directed to the chests of the children of Gaza and the breasts of Palestine in support, support and support of Israel…

++ As for the ethnic cleansing operations and crimes against humanity committed by the Janjaweed militias against the Sudanese people, they do not worry the American administration so much as the limited movements of Hamas which led it to send its battleships and warships to fill the seas, oceans and bays so as not to shed the blood of a single impure Zionist…

++ Every day the Sudanese people discover the ugliness, triviality, contempt and contempt of the American administration towards the Sudanese citizen…

++ With each passing moment, the Sudanese people become more and more convinced that America is deeply immersed in conspiracy…

++ There is no sane person in Sudan unless it is fully revealed to them that a malevolent conspiracy whose heroes ((America and its allies)) want to eliminate the Sudanese people, displace them and impoverish them so that it will be easy to divide them and seize their resources and property…

++ Show me a single sane person who does not believe that if the US administration wanted to win for the Sudanese people against the crimes declared by its Foreign Minister that amount to a complete condemnation of the leaders of the rebellion, it could have implemented this in less than half an hour…

++ This statement by the US Secretary of State places the Sudanese people fully responsible for confronting and working to defeat this criminal and rebel militia and expel it from the country's borders…

++ His statement is the most dangerous, which demands that every good citizen, after today, begin to prepare for fierce resistance against the attempt to colonize Sudan, displace its people, divide them and exterminate them en masse…

++ While this statement doubles Al-Burhan's responsibility by turning his face towards an option, which is to continue the battle of dignity and pride against the greedy invaders…

++ For there is no voice louder than the sound of battle, especially the trumpets of the Americans, the traitors of Sudan, the agents of the small Zionist state of the Emirates, such as the trivial, despicable and corrupt people, Othman Mirghani, Mortada Al-Ghali and Muhammad Latif, and the fourth of them is their apostate, malicious and apostate dog, Al-Nour Hamad. These stray dogs are no longer sane to listen to what they say, because their corrupt property has perished. …

++ The heat of some subjects and developments compels us to stop writing about them for the moment, but I pledge to myself, God willing, to denounce their falsehood and the wickedness and widespread moral and material corruption that their vile souls imply. God has willed to expose them, and we will, God willing, as long as they last. There is an eye that blinks within us, and in our breasts there is a hesitant breath…

*Our army, machine*

*Safe, Jinn*

*Resistance or firmness*

*Omar Capo*

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