Jeddah is the last station.. and after that there is only (dust) and graves – Witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

The position of the people and the armed forces is clear: there is no negotiation other than the one agreed in Jeddah (keep the word you answer and fold it) with regard to the unjust dreamers, unless it is within the framework of the results of Jeddah. … The people have full confidence in their armed forces and are aware of the extent of the American deception and trickery…

Whatever the speculations, analyses and expectations, they will not deviate from the circle of what the Sudanese people want and what the armed forces seek, and we can summarize it in the departure of the militias from the homes of citizens and other needs, and with the logic of the center of power…

To return through the portal of negotiations, in the American way or otherwise, to move forward, its key has been lost and broken in the face of the positions inscribed in the memory of the Sudanese people. We must not be disturbed by any movement or “friction”. “made by parties that understood and realized that the Sudanese army, militarily, politically and diplomatically, is tough and experienced, and was able to defeat a lobby composed of 18 countries that conspired, helped, paved the way and supported the Dagalo militias to rule Sudan by proxy, to countries that still dream and think that Sudan and its army can be controlled with the cunning and bitterness of politics. Yes, the government consults and travels and (go to it and leave it) and all this will not work, because the reality of the classification is a rebel militia that invaded villages, suffered corruption, looted, attacked defenseless Sudanese citizens and occupied homes with demands and slogans that collapsed and fell on the heads. and the leaders of its supporters. The classification will not deviate from what was done in the Jeddah results, to which the militia did not adhere and did not guide his followers to join it, it will be a means and a trick. seek a solution for the militia by positioning it as a counterpart of the armed forces, but far from it, the train has passed and will leave them only dust and death if they pass through Jeddah and do not let themselves be guided by its advice. , there is no stopping beyond them except the graves.

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