Joint meeting between North Kordofan and Shikan locality health insurance

As part of a series of meetings with the executive directors of the localities, the joint meeting with the locality of Shikan was held today in the administrative hall of the health insurance branch of the state of North Kordofan, in the presence of the executive director of the locality, the public administrations of the locality and the health insurance services, who reviewed the insurance service of the locality and the problems facing this service.

The Executive Director of Shikan Locality, Mr. Abdel Nasser Abdullah, praised the health insurance and its role in providing treatment services to citizens and finding solutions despite the war conditions, noting that the service will be restored at the Amir Health Center in partnership with the tax office soon.

Abdel Nasser highlighted the concerted efforts to intervene to solve the water problem in partnership with community organizations and initiatives and the Zakat Office to cover the Citadel Center and the Dalias Center and find alternatives to stabilize electricity.

Dr. Khattab Al-Samani Abdeen, Director of Health Insurance in North Kordofan State, explained that Shikan locality stands out for the weight of its services, which places it at the forefront of localities in restoring the service, praising the cooperation and integration of roles between health insurance and health insurance. locality, calling for the need for horizontal expansion in other local administrations to achieve availability and justice in the provision of services.

Director of the Shikan Locality Health Insurance Executive Unit, Dr. Dahwi Ajab Dahwi, reviewed the report of the executive unit from January to August, addressing the population coverage, service coverage and strategic projects implemented by the unit, in addition to the challenges facing the executive unit.

The Inspector of Presidential Affairs and Head of the Technical Committee for Improving Pumps and Drilling Wells in the Locality, Ibrahim Hadi, also praised the report submitted by Shikan Health Insurance and the return of the service in many centers and the opening in increasing the number of outlets by Shikan Health Insurance said that thinking about alternatives to solve water and electricity problems is a strategic planning in line with local plans and programs.

The Director of the General Administration of Health Affairs in Shikan Locality, Mr. Hafez Al-Mardi, stated the coordination with the Executive Unit of Health Insurance in Shikan to gradually restore insurance services in local centers in order to stabilize the service and provide satisfactory services to the citizen.

While the representative of the Zakat Office of the locality confirmed his support and backing, he reiterated the keenness of the Zakat Office of the locality of Shikan to support the issues related to the health of the citizens, and that its services have had an impact on the field and the satisfaction of the citizens.

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