Justice intends to confront rebel militias through international courts

Minister of Justice Dr. Muawiya Othman Muhammad Khair expressed his ministry's determination to confront the Rapid Support rebel militia and prosecute it through international forums and courts.

He stressed that the International Claims Committee against the Rapid Support Militia, its leaders and the countries that support it has come a long way in finding ways to bring cases and discussing the jurisdiction of the International Court.

Many offices have submitted legal opinions to him in this regard.

The minister said during his meeting with the acting governor of Kassala, Major General Maash Al-Sadiq Muhammad Lazraq, as part of his visit to the state, accompanied by Undersecretary Maulana Howaida Ali Awad Al-Karim, that his visit to Kassala comes within the framework of the ministry's plan to visit the states to learn about the functioning of their legal services, in addition to discussing ways to expand cooperation and coordination between the ministry and the states.

The minister added that the ministry had reviewed and amended all recently published laws to make them compatible with the next stage.

The meeting discussed, in addition to the foundations of joint cooperation, how the rule of law prevails and the role assigned to the legal services of the states, particularly that of Kassala, in light of the critical circumstances the country is going through, as well as the concerns of the next stage in the framework of reconstruction and what was destroyed by the war.

During the meeting, aspects related to regular subcommittees in states related to human trafficking and monitoring of developments in international issues were also discussed.

For his part, the Governor welcomed the visit of the Minister and the accompanying delegation and gave clarifications on the general security situation in the State and the State's reception of a large number of arrivals from war-affected States and the services provided to them, as well as the ongoing arrangements to prepare a number of alternative accommodation sites instead of schools, stressing the State's cooperation with the legal service and overcoming all the obstacles you face.

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