Kamrabat and Al Farish.. the story of a rebellion declared in Sennar ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

The villages of Kamrab and Al-Fareesh are located west of the locality of Al-Dindar in Sennar State. The villages of Kamrabat are abbreviated to the plural of Kamrab. The Kamrab region is inhabited by the Mahariya Rizeigat and they are among the first tribes to join them. Rapid Support, in addition to some members of the Rifa'a Al-Sharq tribes. However, the Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh area remains a security concern for Al-Dindar locality in particular and for Sennar State in general. looting operations abound on individuals, trucks and cars, and the attackers confirm that the bandits are all from Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh, and that the influence of these areas is increasing day by day, and that The areas of Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh have become a security threat that worries the Sennar government and its security committee, given the insistence of residents of these areas to use motorcycles with premeditation, despite the issuance by the Sennar government issued an emergency order prohibiting the use of motorcycles for any reason except. for regular forces. This is a clear challenge to the decisions of the Sennar state government. It can be said that the people of Kamrab, who before the war had joined Rapid Support, are now challenging the government in some way. with the demonstration of provocations by causing breakthroughs. A number of families who came from Al-Daein area as war-affected displaced persons and living in Kamrab also came with prompt support, and he is one of the memorizers of the Quran. 'an and the imam of the Hemedti mosque came to Kamrab after the outbreak of the war*.

*The Sennar State Security Committee discussed the threat to the Kamrab and Al-Fareesh region and its treatment as a security issue. The meeting was held at the headquarters of the 265th Brigade in Sennar, led by the Governor of Sennar and attended. Major General Dr. Rabie Abdullah, former commander of the Wad Madani Liberation Movement, and members of the State Security Committee, on March 2, 2024, for consultations on how to handle the Kamrab case and Al-Fareesh. and manage it militarily, but Major General Dr. Rabie had another opinion that the negotiation process should take place with the people of Kamrab and Al-Fareesh and he recited the verse (We should not be punished so that we had not played with a messenger). During this meeting, a committee was formed to communicate with the population of Kamrab, headed by Ahmed Muhammad Abdullah Umm Banin and the director of the locality of Dindir, the director, Salah Mansour Al-Ajab, and the person of Yasser Muhammad. Mahmoud Al-Bishr Indeed, contacts were made with them and a meeting was scheduled with the leaders of the Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh region at the home of the principal, Salah Al-Ajab, in Dindir. seven o'clock in Dindir, and the meeting was the start of negotiations and dialogue, as confirmed by the 17 members of the delegation. Among the notables of the region is Rizeigat Mahriya, and they have sons in Rapid Support, just like them. They have sons in the armed forces and regular agencies, but they are now accused of being the incubator of Rapid Support. They acknowledged the existence of security chaos and the numerous cases of looting and theft by some residents of the region. They used motorbikes and confirmed that they had two of Kamrab's sons. They were detained since the start of the war in Khartoum in April 2023 until March 2024. During this meeting, one of Kamrab's children innocently asked me and. said to me: “Uncle, the plane is coming to hit us, Mateen. » I told him: “There is no plane that is going to hit you. » Another meeting was scheduled for March 11, 204, and we attended. precise time, and the residents of Kamrab came with a number of demands, including, for example, that they not be questioned about the origin of their money, that they have freedom of movement between Dinder, Kirkuk and Al-Suki, that they be allowed to move freely between Dinder, Kirkuk and Al-Suki, their detained sons be released, that the process of building a health center and a police station in the region be completed and that they are not persecuted in order to hand over their weapons and that the motorcycles are gathered in one place. , and for the keys to be handed over to the executive director of the locality of Dinder, and a number of requests, it was agreed with them that ten of the sons of Kamrab and Al-Fareesh would accompany us to the town of Sinja to meet with the governor, the commander of the 17th division and the members of the security committee, and indeed the meeting took place and continued until now at ten o'clock in the evening inside the 17th division, and a number of them were allowed to assemble. They detained their sons and were reassured about their health and safety. During the meeting, the living conditions of the Kamrab residents with whom they came were not discussed, but they confirmed their position with the armed forces and emphasized that their sons are fighting. with the rapid support, they agreed to lead a convoy to support the armed forces on behalf of the residents of the villages of Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh, led by the 17th Division in Sinja. the state health minister, humanitarian relief commissioner and primary health care officer visited Kamrab and agreed to lay the foundation stone of the village health center, which would be the first visit of an official state government delegation*.

*Indeed, residents of the villages of Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh sent a convoy to support the armed forces on April 7, 2024. Among the delegation was one of the sheikhs whose sons are fighting with Rapid Support in the axis from Khartoum. came to the village and brought with him quantities of gold and silver, then returned to continue the fighting in Khartoum. Meanwhile, Ibn's partners were with his father with the aim of sharing the gold and silver that his son had brought. The sheikh rejected this proposal and seized the silver and gold, so his son's accomplices massacred him and sent his head to his father in the region of Kamrabat and Al-Fareesh. The convoy was handed over to the 17th Division after being addressed by the governor. of the State, the Rapporteur of the Security Committee and the Commander of the 17th Division, on the same day of delivery, the convoy witnessed security violations and looting in the areas of Kamrabat and Al Farish, and cases of looting increased considerably until a meeting took place.

On June 21, 2024, at the home of Superintendent Salah Mansour Al-Ajab, between the Sennar State Security Committee, led by the governor and all the members of the committee, the meeting was the scene of an exchange clear and frank with the population of Kamrab. They apologized for what their children had done over the past period and promised to hand over the accused to the relevant authorities within just ten days. Eight days after this meeting, the 17th Division and the town of Sinja fell and Dindir fell. that day, after being attacked by motorcycles coming from Kamarabat Al-Fareesh, they blocked traffic in the Dindir area and were the first to start looting and plundering the property of citizens fleeing the town of Sinja in the Dindir* region. .

We will continue on Kamrabat and Fresh

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