(Karkaba) in the Nile State!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine See More

Yes, the Nile State is witnessing it these days (Karkaba), not because of the collapse of the previous marches in the Atbara wedding hall, nor because of the subsequent marches that took place near the Nile State government secretariat in Al- Damer and the (Karkaba) that the Nile State is witnessing is also not due to the marches that were targeted by the 3rd Infantry Division in Bashandi on several occasions and were successfully shot down. Al-Karkaba is not in the Nile State because of the events of Al-Farikha in the Berber locality and not because of the same events that occurred before in the same locality, because of the pursuit by the state security authorities of the fugitive accused (Wad Ahmed). He is accused of many articles of. the criminal law revealed in the statement issued by the State Security Committee following the recent pursuit of this accused in Al-Farikha region, which was not successful in arresting (alive) or (dead), which made the State Security Committee. Nahr issues a statement warning citizens to help an accused fugitive in a number of cases by covering him, hiding him or even protecting him, and some may be accused of criminal conspiracy.

The situation facing Nile State is not chaos, security disruption or anything like that.

So that I am not followed by calls and messages asking for information about this (Karkaba) happening in Nile State, which do not appear in the media or on social networking sites.

I say to these investigators that the crisis witnessed by the Nile State, there may be a relationship or a thin thread with what preceded the top of this column or what is connected to it, and that the link between the events may be one of the keys to (the analysis) or (the deconstruction) of the information to the extent that it allows a more in-depth conclusion. The readings may vary in percentages of estimates, whether correct or incorrect, depending on the information available to the reader, whether he is (near) the decision-making centers, in (their vicinity) or far from them.

By (Karkaba) the Nile, we mean the fact that the Minister of Agriculture and Production of the Nile State, Salah Muhammad Ali (Karkaba), who is serving as the acting governor of the Nile, whose governor, Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel Majid was absent in circumstances that may be known to the leaders of the Nile, and this absence may be due to reasons unknown to many Nile residents, many of whom were surprised by the increasing activity of the acting governor of the Nile, Salah (Karkaba), during this short period in which he took over the governorship, questions about the governor, Wad Al-Badawi, began to increase and it became (whispered) loud. The great and increasing activity of the acting governor became like a knee. His condition was like that of someone who was moving with a number (4) and did not move gradually, as is the custom if it was moving a car or in any other matter. , because the progressiveness in this matter reduces errors and increases success rates.

But the increased political and media activity that accompanied Salah Korkaba as he occupied the top seat of state may contain several messages that can be understood in the context associated with this increased activity.

The first context is perhaps personal, that Salah Korkaba wants to take advantage of the days of his mission, to demonstrate some form of leadership and to highlight his management skills in order to have an asset in his political or constitutional future, or even in his future. professional future, so that he can aspire to higher positions, whether at the level of the State or international and regional organizations. The weakest faith is to add a line to his biography.

The second context, and this is perhaps the closest for many observers, is that the absence of the governor, Muhammad al-Badawi Abd al-Majed, whatever the reasons, his days in this position have become (numbered), or even non-existent, and if there are no political assessments, then security assessments could play the most important role, and he is the head of the state security committee according to his position, especially after the events of Al-Farikha in Berber and the declaration of the security. Committee regarding the fugitive accused (Wad Ahmed).

The replacement or change of the governor, Muhammad al-Badawi, will not take place (Karkba) in the Nile State if the replacement is Salah (Karkba) or a high-ranking person, and this is the closest thing to the state security committee being elevated to a status closer to a (security council) if the future governor is a high-ranking military person.

The Nile State needs to renew its blood, especially since this team has worked under difficult security conditions and challenges. It may need to change, because the physical effort and thinking it has put in during this difficult period that Sudan and the state have gone through requires a change. but gradually, and this is what is required in This step is done quietly, without any knee.

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