Keeping Humanity Alive”, a journey through the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent on their International Day – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

On May 8 each year, the world unites to celebrate World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, in honor of the founder of this great humanitarian movement, Henri Dunant, and in recognition of the efforts of millions of volunteers around the world who fight tirelessly. to alleviate human suffering in the most difficult circumstances. This year's celebration falls under the slogan “Keeping Humanity Alive”, to highlight the central role of this movement in combating worsening crises, particularly in light of conflicts and natural disasters that the world is witness.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement embodies noble humanitarian principles that have illuminated the paths of history since its creation in the 19th century. On the battlefield of Solferino, Henri Dunant witnessed a human tragedy that shook his conscience and pushed him to found. this movement which seeks to relieve the suffering of the wounded in times of war. Over time, the movement's message expanded to include the provision of humanitarian aid during various natural disasters and crises, becoming a symbol of hope and chivalry in the most difficult circumstances.

The humanitarian work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in Sudan represents the best example of the application of its principles on the ground. Amid the ongoing conflict, this movement is lending a helping hand to those affected and working hard to provide food. , water, medicine and health care to those who need it. It also aims to reunite separated families by providing psychological support to those affected.

Believing in its humanitarian responsibility, the Egyptian Red Crescent Society continues to provide assistance to the Sudanese community present on Egyptian territory, by organizing training courses for Sudanese volunteers to strengthen their capacities to deal with crises and opening comprehensive medical clinics that provide free health services. to the community.

Volunteers working in the humanitarian field face many challenges, including difficulty reaching areas affected by conflict or natural disasters. It can be difficult for volunteers to reach those who need help, and humanitarian organizations suffer from a lack of financial and human resources. which hampers their ability to respond to all needs, and volunteers may face security risks when working in conflict or disaster areas.

The media plays an important role in publicizing the mission of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and supporting its efforts to help those in need. Through media coverage and awareness programs, the media can highlight the suffering of those affected by crises. , promote a culture of volunteerism and contribute to humanitarian work.

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