Khaled Abdel Ghaffar's assistants…the specialty does not accept the (method) of exchanging positions – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

In football, the coach is somewhat reassured if his team's lines are complete, and it is preferable that every player be in his designated position. The coach only resorts to the method of exchanging positions if he is forced to do so or if there is an external necessity. his calculations which push him to go there.

But there are trainers in public works who do not resort to the policy of exchange of positions because they believe in specialization and “giving the bread to the baker”, which produces better results than any other policy.

I remember the first meeting of the Association of Journalists from Khartoum in Shendi, with all its members, with the executive director of Shendi locality and the leaders of the Security Committee, who got to know the group of media professionals, which included all specializations of media work, whether in radio, television or journalism, in specializations including production, editing, photography, design, sound and lighting, engineering, preparation, presentation, editing, etc.

The executive director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said in this meeting and in his commentary on the conversation and discussion that took place, that he was with the (specialized) media and not with the idea of ​​the (global media person) who distributes his (effort) and (idea) in several fields or directions without having results that convince the public of the quality of the product, because it is often inconsistent, even incoherent, and the state of. the complete media is like that of the proverb that says (seven professions and lost luck), and the owner of (seven professions) has lost his specialization, therefore his fortune is lost.

I noticed this specialization in the work team led by Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, especially his senior assistants, who are doing an excellent job with excellent results, each in his field of specialization, which has raised the value of the locality and increased its balance by attracting attention and The locality of Shendi has progressed thanks to this great effort made by the public administrations. The administrative units are at the same level and in the same format.

If the Ministry of Social Affairs won the Excellence Award for the reception, accommodation and provision of services to expatriates, this success is not only to the credit of the administration or its director, Howaida Al-Jazouli, but it remains a shining sign for the locality and its workers. (And God helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother.)

And if Bakri Al-Azraq, the director of media, comes and says (Go ahead, read his book), then we say that the movements of the media administration are only a few pages, including the Dignity Forum, the rumor-refuting rooms, and security is everyone's responsibility, as well as state and national recognition of the progress and excellence that the local media has demonstrated through the work of the administration (But by the grace of your Lord. This is what happened.)

Muzammil Sayyid Ahmad came with the verses and Sunnahs before him (prepare against them all the strength you are capable of) and added to them (and teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding).

All transformative training programs for young people come from the door of muscle preparation, organizing sports classes, and implementing Sunni sports schools and academies. They come from (and teach your children) and bring new activities such as skating, rowing club. , and swimming pool. Some of them raise their hands to enter, and some wait for funding. There is no need to check seals or proof of a notarized certificate.

The engineer, Al-Walid Mahjoub, was not in charge of the water file. He did not have a staff of Moses, and he did not strike the ground or the rock (so that twelve springs would come out of it, rather he worked). rehabilitate the old ones and install the new water stations, and he and his team worked hard to make the water (albumen) appear and (the plagues) are in the hands of the people, (And We have made every living thing from water), and he. knows that the reward for watering is great and that there is a reward for every moist liver.

The experience of Muhammad Musa Al-Khader in agriculture is nothing compared to faith and trust in God, in agricultural work, which is based on these meanings and the saying present among the farmers (throw love and trust in the Lord), (Are you the planter or are we the farmers), so there was abundant goodness in the winter season as well as in the harvests (and if you are grateful, I will give you more.)

It is sufficient for the righteous, according to the Prophet and his teachers, to complete the school year in all levels and to crown it with the examination of the primary and intermediate levels after thirty years of interruption. (Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.)

Health is a crown on the heads of healthy people that only the sick can see, and Samia Othman works hard to succeed in placing the same crown on the heads of the sick so that they are healthy and after that (the crown) is not seen by anyone, and so that the cost is not high, she keeps in mind (prevention is better than cure), and this has not been erased from her memory. The matter is in the hands of God (if you get sick, He will heal you).

These examples of these departments do not affect the right of the rest of the departments and other sections as long as they were at the same level or higher. Similarly, the administrative units are in a state of constant competition, because the first place is not settled for one of them, and the second place does not remain exclusive to one unit rather than the other. All realize that (a person has nothing else to do than what he strives for and that his efforts will be seen), and that a person must strive and is not obliged to succeed.

However, it remains that it is specialization that has given more quality to the work and raised the status of the locality among the localities of Sudan (exchange centers). Such work is not desirable because it disperses efforts and ideas, destroys the structure of plans, and cuts the cord of communication to connect what (above) as (later).

(Specialization) remains the best outcome and the first resort for all because it gives the required results

By achieving the desired goals.

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